Twilight in Paris

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For the last few weeks, Rory had been going into the city on weekends. Since she was still technically living at home, she didn't have her own space, and without a steady income, it was really her only viable option. She'd applied for several jobs, mostly in and around New York City. It wasn't just for Finn, as much of it stemmed from being stuck in Stars Hollow and how it made her start to feel nostalgic for her sticky-walled Brooklyn pad. The apartment had symbolized her independence which had crashed all around her when she decided to become nomadic much like the infamous Jack Kerouac. At that point, she had no ties and no real responsibility to adulthood.

The city's hustle, bustle, and everything in between had been comforting to her when she'd visited her favorite Aussie. Each stay made her long for it more and more. It also helped her realize that she needed to get back on her own two feet. While she waited to hear back from interviews, she continued to help her mom with the Dragonfly and its spa annex. Lorelai appreciated the cheaper help, and Rory enjoyed being employed. It wasn't a permanent solution, but it sufficed for the moment and gave her a sense of purpose instead of wandering aimlessly.

Today, she beat her mother home and rushed into her room. She began packing for another trip to Finn's for the weekend. Rory was thankful she didn't have nearly as much to pack because he insisted on keeping her basic necessities. This way, she wouldn't have to haul quite as much stuff back and forth. At first, she scoffed, but eventually gave in when he assured her that she wasn't inconveniencing him in any way. She finished packing before her mom got home, so she left a note on the table, and texted Finn.

Rory: I'm on my way to the train station. Can't wait to see you!

Finn: You're off early. Good thing I was planning on leaving early today! I'll pick you up from the station.

Rory: You don't have to do that.

Finn: But it's my favorite part.

Rory: You are too sweet!

Finn: You can pay me back later tonight.

Rory: As my mother would say.....dirty!

Finn: Where's your mind, Ms. Gilmore? I meant that it's your turn to do the dishes after dinner, but I like the way you think!

Rory was blushing a little bit, but it made her giddy at the same time. Even though they talked almost every day, she counted down the days until she would see Finn in person. She felt herself smiling just thinking about being held in his arms. They didn't do anything particularly exciting, but being with him was more than enough for her. Although, she was starting to suspect he was planning something big for her. She didn't know when or what it was going to be.


Finn's heart skipped a beat when he saw the message from Rory pop up on his phone. He'd never felt quite like this before, but he was okay with that and looked forward to hearing from her. Fridays had become his short days at work, and no one in the office seemed to mind. Everyone worked a little harder during the week, and they were handsomely rewarded at the end of the work week. He looked forward to seeing her on the weekends, and if she had an interview during the week, she'd stay with him as well.

He cut out from work a little earlier than normal so he could go home and take a shower to freshen up before picking up Rory from the train station. He got his regular message from her when she was about half an hour out, so he quickly readied himself and went down to the car that was waiting. Finn had just enough time to grab a couple of coffees once he arrived.

"Finn!" she cried from half-way across the station.

Standing with his arms open, she practically leaped into them, wrapping her arms around his neck as his enveloped her. She gave him a tender kiss that was interrupted by the barista calling his name for his order. Rory walked over with him to the counter, and he handed her the coffee.

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