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'Write me a song', she asks.

'I can't.'

'Sing me a song.'

'I don't sing.'

'Yes, for me you do. Now make one up. You're smart enough'

'Uh, you're so... sweet and you smell like meat and um, you have nice feet?'

Next thing I know I'm on the floor. God, that girl can push. She's laughing, hysterical.

'Didn't realise I was so funny.'

'You're not. That sucked.'

'Yeah, I know.'

I was lying on the ground and she was sitting on the bed, watching me.

'Come here.'

'No thanks. I'm rather enjoying the view.'

'Don't you want to be closer to the view?'

'Or the view could come closer to me.'

'Yeah or it couldn't. Come here.'

She rolls off the bed and purposely falls on me.

'Ouch, you're heavy.' 

The comment earns me a slap.

'Stop hitting me, god.'

'You asked for it, stupid. Anything else?'



'Shut up and kiss me.'

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