Chapter One

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I place my hand on the door about to leave.

"Sometimes it's okay to lose control Arizona. " my hand is still on the door but instead of opening it and getting out of that damn on call room I find myself locking it and then crashing my lips against Lauren's, I let her remove my top and even my pants, her eyes don't even bother to look at my prosthetic leg. God this is bad, really bad.


Earlier on I loved Lauren's work. I thought that everything she was doing was amazing, life changing, but now I'm confused.

"Is that Arizona's ring on your scrub top?" I ask her noticing the silver piece of jewellery on Lauren. She looks down and Arizonas face turns bright red, then it hits me.

"Oh, a baby in the ward puked on me and Arizona was kind enough to lend me some scrubs" her acting game is terrible, Arizona massages the back of her neck - she does that when she's nervous.

"Right. " I turn my back on both women and storm out of that damn room. It's getting hard to breathe.

"Calliope wait." I hate my name with a passion but I love it when it comes out of Arizonas mouth.

"How could you?" At first she says nothing.

"Have you got any idea how hard this is for me? Living with one leg because my wife decided to cut it off !" She's yelling and I cannot believe that this is all coming back to that stupid leg.

"The leg! BACK TO THE LEG SERIOUSLY! That's no excuse for cheating on your wife Arizona we made a promise, a vow and what? All for nothing?" The tears are streaming down my face, god I can't even look at her right now, I leave, I walk down the hallways to daycare where Sofia is, I need my baby. 

"Mommy!" My little raven haired beauty comes running up to me when she spots me.

"Hi baby mommy missed you. " I pick her up and hold her.

"Mommy too tight" I realise I'm squeezing her too hard so I release my grip.

"Sorry baby. " My pager goes off 911.

"Crap, Sofia baby go and play mommy will be back later and take you home okay?" I put her down and she runs away because there's a toy that catches her eye. I run as fast as I can to my 911 and I get to room 145, I don't recall a patient of mine being here. The rooms empty which is very weird.

"Calliope. " I close my eyes and take a breath.

"You paged me 911 so you could call me Calliope and kiss and make up?" I turn around and face Arizona.


"I don't think so. " I walk straight past her.

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