Chapter Four

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I'm back! And happy to be here too I might add. The response of this story is better than I had originally planned for an I found myself swamped with messages for the last was AWESOME!

Remember guys, I need world suggestions, I only have two so far and that Hollow Bastilion and Halloween Town...tell me please! This dedication goes to xSimplyElementryx for her helping me with my story and giving me little 'rants' that have helped me improve my writing. EVERYONE, I COMMAND YOU TO LOOK AT HER WORK! (ItiseverythingandmorethanwhatIwantminetobe)

Enough of the Pre-author's note now, on to the chapter you go, read on my lovely Wattpadians!


You could still hear the voices in your head when you exited the diner. The involuntary shudders running down your spine did nothing to calm you down. In fact, they made it worse.

"An utter failure. ~~~~~ cannot even protect herself, so how did I expect her to guard my research?"

"Poor, poor girl. So much thrust upon her in one go. And even with the help of her father she broke under the strain. Useless."

You could feel the tears you had pushed back earlier streaming down your face. You had grown up with these people and now they are making fun of you for something you couldn't help.

"Or did you just not want to help it? Tut tut. Look at you. Groveling on the floor there. Get up ~~~~~."

Your legs froze. That voice was one you hadn't heard for a really long time. One that you hoped never to hear again, or at least like this.

You broke out of the trance and ran. Ran faster than you had before.

You found yourself cornered a short while later. Your sobs racked your entire body. You hated this.

Hated that you were rendered helpless with just words, and not even real words at that. You hugged your body with your arms. It hurt just to think about what happened then, and just that if you had known what was going on earlier... maybe it wouldn't have happened the way it did...

"Stop feeling sorry for yourself ~~~~~, it's never done you any good before, so why should it now? Stand up tall and proud. Or are you still a coward?" You could feel the breath of a person behind you. You slowly moved your arms away from your face.

"I'm not a coward. You're the coward for attacking underhanded..." It was an attack in a way. Words can be sharper than the best sword.

"Sure you aren't sweetie, after all, the bravest just turn and run right?" The taunts, as always, just flowed from her mouth, completely ignoring the insult to her own person.

"Well look on the bright side, you only got...fifty or so people killed, and even more stranded, but if you're not a coward then it's all right and good. Isn't that what you mean ~~~~~?"

You could see her now. That blonde demoness that tortured you day in, day out. Whether in your mind or memory. She had left you alone after the real incident but that doesn't mean her words didn't get to you.

Her thin mouth is twisted upwards in a cruel smile; her hair, perfectly styled as always, hasn't shifted a centimeter since you last saw her; and her eyes bore into your face, scanning for any sign of weakness.

" poor wittle ~~~~~ scared of little old me? How pathetic."

"Go away Larxene, I don't want to talk to you."

"But an older sister always wants to tease her younger one. You can't avoid me now." You winced when she reminded you of that itty bitty detail. You two weren't really related, just...adopted siblings. Your father adopted Larxene when you were little. And she acted almost like a sister should, taking care of you.

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