Chapter three!

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 “The hell was that for?” Lea, wait, I’m sorry, AXEL, stumbled back holding his nose. His fingers were red, like the liquid the warning was written in… 

“That was for lying,”  Something told you to stop, “And the next one will be for asking stupid questions!” You held you fist up again as if to make for another punch.

Your rage was boiling over. ‘How did this happen? Why did he lie? Why did he need to? Things are just going to get worse from here on out. Nothing is making sense right now, then again, when has it ever in my life?’ Your eyes narrowed and your muscles tensed.

“Whoa, whoa! What’s going on here yo?” Another hand grabbed your fist before it flew.

“Let me go!” You tried to pull your fist away from the offending hand, but you couldn’t.

“Hey, now just you wait a moment! No one goes around punching random people without getting punished for it, and that,” Your fist was jerked in the direction of Axel, “Wasn’t a random person. That was my little brother. No one but me gets to hit him! Understood?”

The person holding your balled up hand squeezed it almost painfully. Whoever this guy was, he had a strong grip. You could tell it was a guy from the callouses on there. Well, that or a very rough and tumble girl, but you doubted it. Rather strongly.

Demyx raised his hand in a slight wave, and if you weren’t struggling so hard you would have noticed the rest of your crew filing out of the Gummi ship before rushing towards you. 

But you didn’t. All you saw was a body behind you with the death-like vice on your fist. You paused in your struggle when the hand left yours and a gasp could be heard. You looked up.

Pale bluish eyes met yours. Red hair framed a rather pale face. Black soot marks littered that same face. Even though he had obviously grown older you could still remember the small boy who was always covered in dirt .


He seemed to back off of you and glare at Axel. “Why didn’t you tell me she was on board?”

Demyx cut in, “You were in the engine room again right? Well then Ax just didn’t really want to go into that smelly pit!”

Reno and Axel grimaced in unison.

“I know right! It stinks…”

“It does not! I poured myself into fixing that boiler, it smells of a good day’s work!”

Both looked equally indignant.

Demyx  started giggling and wouldn’t stop until a hand slapped him on the head, “But Ax! That was great, you’ve got to admit that was funny. ~~~~~, that was funny right?”

He obviously ignored your angered face. “Hilarious, where have you guys been?”

“Course it stinks. One: It has coal and oil, belch. Two: You’re down there. No one knows it’s you though because they don’t have to sleep in the same room as you!”

“Just because you don’t know the meaning of the word ‘work’ and find it best to sit on your ass and do nothing all day doesn’t mean we all have to do that. What you call ‘stink’ is the smell of time and effort,” Reno paused, “What you mean yo? I’m perfectly clean.”

Axel smirked, “Not on my watch. You really need to take a shower when we get home, you stink like a sewer!” Que nose plug.

“Are you kidding me! I think that you collect more odor just sitting around! No one sai-“

“~~~~~! Where did you go? We were worried sick!”

You whipped your head around to find an irate Selphie. She was bending down a bit with her hands on both hips and an almost scowl on her face. If you weren’t scared for your life at the moment, what with the arguing Gingers and all. You would have burst out laughing.

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