Nudity Primer: Nudity Is Not Sexual

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Clothing is a lifestyle. You choose to live it.

Nudity is a natural state of being. You don’t choose it.


There is nothing less sexual than nudity. Don’t believe me. Then why do we need to cover up?

If you were standing in a room of naked people, sex would be the furthest thing from your mind. The human body was made for our survival. Sex is used for the survival of the species and for fun. Nudity is not for fun.

Sex is an act. Nudity is a state of being. Being fully naked is not even required for sex.

When are we naked? To take a shower.

The human body while a beautiful organism is not all that sexy. Clothing is used to create desire for something that would otherwise not be seen as sexy. Even clothing has many uses besides creating sexual desire. That is one of the things clothing can be used for, but it is not the main use or even one of the top uses. The same applies to nudity.

I’m not going to dwell on sex since it has no more importance to clothing as it does to nudity. The bottom line is neither one carries any greater importance in a sexual capacity as the other. So sex is not a part of this discussion. Deal with it on your own—not as a reason to wear clothing or not.


One of the prime reasons people force others to wear clothing has to do with our genitals. They are considered sexual organs and therefore cannot be seen by anyone else. Why is that? Does someone actually believe that by seeing someone else’s genitals all of a sudden people will start humping like bunnies? That by exposing human genitalia all of a sudden every pervert and child molester will come out of the woodwork to take advantage of someone else. This is simply not true.

A person out to commit deviant sexual acts will do them regardless. Someone who grew up wearing clothing and unsure of their bodies is far more likely to be molested than someone who grew up comfortable in their own skin and better capable of controlling what they do. Clothing hasn’t prevented sexual abuse and neither will nudity. Why hold one accountable and the other not? If clothing hasn’t eliminated sexual abuse, then why not blame clothing and require people not to wear it? Simple. Clothing or nudity are not to blame. So there is no argument that naked people are more likely to be abused than clothed ones. Which means, we do not need to cover our sexual organs up for protection from sexual abuse.

What are considered sexual organs, actually, are not. Any part of the human body can be used for sex. Why don’t we cover our lips or fingers? Why don’t we call them sexual organs? Our genitals play a more vital role to our existence. Simply put. Genitals are used for waste disposal. They can be used for pro-creation but are not needed for it.

So if someone has a problem with genitals being seen due to some sexual reason, then they shouldn’t shake hands or kiss anyone. They should cover their entire bodies up. Do not make genitals more important than any other part of the human body. With all parts of the human body equal, then all of them can be seen and treated the same.

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