Nudity Primer: Reasons For Not Wearing Man-Made Clothing

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I use words differently than the meaning some people give them. Below is a list of words and what they mean to me.

Natural clothing: In a word, I am referring to skin.

Man-made clothing: Any material you put on your body that is not skin.


You do not need man-made clothing to be happy.


It doesn’t fit.

There is nothing man can create that will fit you better than what you were born in. You have a perfectly formed set of natural clothing created specifically for your frame. Take a moment to look in the mirror and admire the beauty of something created especially for you. The human body is a wonderful creation. All parts are covered in living, breathing fabric—each one designed to keep you alive and moving. No individual item on the human body should be singled out as indecent. Body parts come in many different shapes and are used for all sorts of vital purposes. None of your body should be covered with bulky or confining fabric.

A body needs to breath.

There are thousands of sweat glands all over your skin for a reason. When clothing is removed, you feel better. With man-made clothing on, you are suffocating the very thing that is giving you life. You need your skin. You do not need man-made clothing.

Save money.

An entire industry has evolved around man-made clothing making a ton of money by creating a need where there is none. That is the fallacy of the clothing industry and anything associated with it. In order to make a buck off your hard work, they need to create something for you to spend it on. I am here to tell you. You do not need to be wasting money that can be used more beneficially for food, shelter, entertainment, or anything else that will bring you more happiness than having to put out large sums to cover yourself in odd looking fabric. And wearing clothing makes a person look strange.

You also save money on upkeep of clothing. Bleach, laundry detergent, fabric softener (I’ve never heard of skin softener.), washer, dryer, laundry mat, and the list goes on and on.

The clothing itself is expensive. Designer dresses and suits made by man to fit you better than the skin you possess is about the most ridiculous thing anyone can tell you. As long as they make money, they’ll tell you anything to get you to spend. I am not trying to sell you anything. I have no financial interest in getting you to believe the way I do. Someone without a financial motive is more likely to give you the truth. The real question is, "Who are you going to believe?"

Clothing needs replaced many times over the years. Also, new fashion trends cause you to spend more money on what’s in style at the time. With natural clothing you never have to replace or change designs. More money saved.

False ideas of the people around you.

One of the things man-made clothing does best is create false identities. People are more likely to listen, associate, believe, etc. a person wearing certain types of man-made clothing. Someone dressed up as a business man in a nice, expensive suit is far more believable than someone dressed up in a torn t-shirt and sweat pants. That is, until you get to know them.

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