Sunshine (Sad)

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3rd Person P.O.V.

SeokJin flinched as the lightning flashed. He continued to cook, trying to focus on cooking. Just then, the power went out. He heard the maknae line squeal in terror. He grabbed his phone and used his flashlight. He walked in the living room, shining it around the room. "Is everyone okay?" He asked. He counted 5. "Where's Namjoon?" SeokJin asked, looking around. "In his room." Yoongi answered. "Thanks." Seokjin said, using his flashlight to go down the hallway to his and Namjoon's room.

"Joon?" SeokJin called out. He saw a body on the bed. He sighed in relief. He climbed into bed with Namjoon, and laid his head on Namjoon's chest. The lights flickered back on. SeokJin looked sadly at Namjoon, a oxegyn tank attached to his nose, he couldn't breathe on his own. He felt Namjoon's body suddenly shake. SeokJin sat up. "Joon?" Namjoon gasped awake. "It hurts." Namjoon gasped out. SeokJin started panicking. "Yoongi! Call an ambulance." SeokJin yelled as he picked up Namjoon.

He carried him to the living room. Namjoon's eyes rolled to the back of his head. "No." SeokJin said. He started doing compressions on Namjoon's chest. "Come on, baby. Wake up! You promised we would be together, don't give up!" SeokJin felt tears streaming down his face. He pressed harder, crying hysterically. The ambulance arrived and took Namjoon. "No! Don't take him away." SeokJin cried, trying to go after him. Yoongi was quick to grab him and hold him back. "Let me go! Let go! Please..." SeokJin sobbed, falling to the floor, sobs wracking his frame.

"Hyung, we can go to the hospital. Get up. Be strong for Namjoon." Yoongi's voice cracked. SeokJin got up, everyone was dead silent. They quietly entered the car, quickly driving to the hospital. SeokJin prayed for Namjoon to be okay. He remembered the day....

"Sunshine." Namjoon's soft voice cut through SeokJin's haze. "Yes, darling?" SeokJin smiled. His smile quickly faded as he seen Namjoon's tear-streaked face. "SeokJin...I'm not gonna be here next year. My lungs are collapsing. I only have four months left." Namjoon looked down. SeokJin sniffled, trying his hardest to not break down. He failed. He sobbed loudly and miserably. "Joon, we just got married three months ago. I don't want you to leave me. What happened to growing old together?" SeokJin cried.
Namjoon looked away, eyes brimming with tears. "I wish we could. SeokJin, I love you so much, you will never truly know. I wish I could stay longer. Don't cry sunshine, it makes me sad." Namjoon smiled weakly. SeokJin threw his arms around Namjoon. They cried as they held each other tight, never wanting to let go. They didn't intend to...until Namjoon couldn't breathe well. SeokJin apologized and hugged him looser. They stayed like that for hours, until Hoseok came to tell them it was time to record...


SeokJin rushed into the emergency room and ran to the front desk. "What room is Kim Namjoon in?" He asked. "102." The lady answered. He thanked her and ran to the room. He opened the door and was relieved to see Namjoon sitting up, heart monitor going. "Joon!" SeokJin sighed in relief. "Jin!" Namjoon said, opening his arms for a hug. They embraced as if they haven't seen each other in thousands of years.

"SeokJin." At his name, he perked up. "I have something to tell you." Namjoon said. SeokJin looked worried. "What is it?" He asked. Namjoon swallowed heavily before sighing. "My body is shutting down. I only have about six minutes left." Namjoon licked his dry lips. He was deathly pale, no longer tan. His throat and vocal cords hurt. "I'm sorry." SeokJin whispered. "Why are you sorry, sunshine?" Namjoon whispered. He pushed SeokJin's hair out his face.

"I couldn't keep you well. I'm so sorry." SeokJin sobbed. "Don't worry, babe. You did everything just fine. It's not your fault, okay?" Now Namjoonwas crying, too. "I love you Kim SeokJin." Namjoon gave a watery smile. "I love you too, Kim Namjoon." SeokJin gave a small smile back. Namjoon put a hand on SeokJin's face. SeokJin grabbed it and held it, eyes looking lovingly and worriedly into Namjoon's. The rings that had been put on their fingers only six months ago gleaned in the light. "Don't cry, sunshine. Smile." Namjoon's voice was raspy. His hold was slipping.

SeokJin smiled slightly, tears streaming down. Namjoon's eyes closed and his heart rate slowed down. SeokJin sniffles and began to sing.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy,
when skies are grey,
You'll never know dear,
how much I love you.
Please don't take,
my sunshine

SeokJin sobbed as the heartline went flat, a long beep filled the cold, empty room.

He pressed his lips against Namjoon's cold lips, then pulled away, walking out the room.

The doctor stood there with sympathy written over his face.

"I'm sorry for your lost."

SeokJin cried, he cries, even in his sleep where it's supposed to be helpful.

SeokJin gasped awake. He cried hard as he gripped the pillow, the one that smelled like Namjoon's cologne. He stopped when he heard a soft voice singing...

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy,
when skies are grey,
You'll never know dear,
how much I love you.
Please don't take,
my sunshine

SeokJin swore he felt lips kiss his forehead...

This is where I got the idea. Credits to whoever posted this:

A/N Sorry if you cried. Hope you liked my first Angst story. Leave comments for some suggestions! I don't bite! Hard. Love you my beautiful creatures!
Maddie out!

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