Love Isn't Over (Angst/Fluff)

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Requested by toofabfangirl
Enjoy! (Get tissues)

SeokJin's P.O.V

"I can't believe you cheated!" I screamed. I had tears running down my face as I screamed at Namjoon. "I didn't!" He yelled back. "Really?! Why the hell do you smell like women's perfume? How come you have lipstick on your cheek?!" I scream.

10 minutes earlier:
SeokJin sat on the couch waiting for his fiancé to return home. He looked at the time. 9:30. He was supposed to be home half an hour ago. The door opened and SeokJin walked to his fiancé hugged him. Namjoon gave a slight hug back and set his coat in the hall closet. SeokJin could smell a strong flowery perfume on him. He looked at Namjoon to see red lipstick smeared on his left cheek. SeokJin immediately thought of cheating. The argument began.

"Babe! I didn't cheat! I promise!" He yelled back. I shoved him backwards. He tripped and knocked a picture frame over. It was the picture our friend took of us a few months ago. We look so happy. I started crying.

"Damnit!" He yelled and slammed his hands down on the table. I heard footsteps running towards us. I completely forgot our friends were here.

3rd Person P.O.V

Yoongi and Hoseok stood there shocked. They saw a shattered picture, a crying Seokjin and angry Namjoon. "GET OUT OF MY DAMN HOUSE, KIM NAMJOON!" Seokjin screamed. "FINE!" Namjoon yelled and left, slamming the door hard.

Seokjin sat down on the floor, sobbing. Yoongi put a hesitant hand on his shoulder. Seokjin jumped a bit. "Please...please leave." He said, sniffling. They both nodded and gave him a pat on the shoulder. They left him to calm down.

He picked up the broken picture frame and cried harder. He picked up the glass and threw it away. He held the picture close and sobbed loudly. "Why? How could he do this to me?" He whispered. He sobbed harder.


Namjoon drove fast, not giving a crap about the honks and speed limit. He was angry. At himself and SeokJin. He should've told him that he was seeing his sister. She had hugged him and given him a kiss on the cheek.

Namjoon grit his teeth. He slammed his hand on the wheel. "God damnit." He hissed. His phone started ringing. He looked and saw Hoseok's number. He answered angrily. "Hello." He said. "What happened?" Hoseok asked. "We fought. He thought I cheated." Namjoon hissed. "What?" "Yeah." "Be careful, okay?" Hoseok said. "Mkay." Namjoon said and hung up.

He drove faster, angry and upset at everyone. He suddenly realized a car was heading his way. The car collided with his as he spun out. All he heard was honking and ambulance sirens as he saw darkness.


SeokJin jumped when his phone rang. He answered it. "Hello?" He said. "Is this Kim SeokJin?" A lady asked. "Yes." He says. "We called to inform you that your friend Kim Namjoon is in the hospital. He was in a car crash." She said. He immediately hung up. He pulled on his shoes and went to the hospital as fast as possible.

At the hospital...

SeokJin ran to the front desk. "Kim Namjoon." He says. "Room 206." The receptionist says. He thanks her and runs to Namjoon's room.

He opens the door and saw Namjoon with a bandage on his head and bruises all over. He gasps, eyes brimming with tears. "Namjoon..." He says. The doctor came in. "He has a concussion, cuts on his head and bruised from the impact. He's very lucky considering the severity of the crash." The doctor explains. SeokJin nods. "Thank you." The doctor left.

"SeokJin?" A raspy voice called. SeokJin looked to see Namjoon sitting up, awake. "Thank god your okay." SeokJin says. "I'm still angry at you cheating, though!" He says. "Baby, let me explain." Namjoon says. "Five minutes." He says.

"I was visiting my sister, Mina. She was in town and wanted to see me. You smelt her perfume. She also was wearing lipstick. Baby I love you I wouldn't cheat on you, ever." Namjoon explained. SeokJin's eyes widened in shock. "O-oh." He says, blinking.

"I'm sorry Joon. Please forgive me." SeokJin said, tears clouding his vision. "Of course, baby." Namjoon laughed. He hugged his lover close as SeokJin cried. "I'm sorry!" He cried. "It's okay baby. I'm fine." Namjoon smiles and kisses his lover passionately.

They pull apart and Namjoon smirks. "You're really hot when you're angry though.." He says. "Namjoon!" SeokJin blushed, smacking his lovers arm. Namjoon laughed and they shared a loving kiss


How did you guys like it? Make sure to comment story ideas ! Preferably of the request page, but you can comment here if you'd like! Love you beautiful creatures!
Maddie out!

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