{21} "I'm so sorry."

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"Yes mom, I'm already in a cab and heading back to the apartment." I rolled my eyes as my mom talked my ear off about how worried she gets whenever I fly, but my heart swelled at the gesture. My flight had been delayed by a couple of hours due to some technical difficulties, so instead of landing back at JFK in the early afternoon, I landed a little past eight o'clock.

"Okay sweetie, I love you and don't forget to update me every once in a while."

"I love you too, mom. I'll call you tomorrow," and with that the line went dead. Spending the weekend with my mom had been so utterly refreshing, I hadn't realized how much I truly missed her until I saw her. We spent most of the weekend cooped up in the house, watching romcoms and eating take out, talking about New York and school.

Her face lit up and her eyes had welled with tears when I told her all about Sebastian and how well he'd been treating me. She was surprised that I had told him about Sam and the accident, but was happy that he stuck around after that. I even talked to her about how weird he had been acting before I left and the small fight that resulted from it, but all she said is that I shouldn't worry and that communication is key.

Now, as the cab begins to slowly pull over to the side in front of the apartment building, all I can think about is finally getting to be wrapped up in the arms of the boy I love.


A lazy smile forms on my lips as I think about it. Who knew that something like this would happen? Me falling in love again after everything I've been through. Some good has finally come into my life after so many months of pure darkness and I am not willing to let it go.

"Here we are," the cab driver said. I shook my head to clear out my thoughts before opening the door and climbing out. Pulling out my wallet from my bag, I leaned in through the passenger window and handed him money for the fare.

"Thanks again, have a nice night," I said with a smile and all he gave me was a tight nod before he disappeared into traffic. Grabbing my duffel bag from the floor, I perched it on my shoulder before walking into the building. The doorman greeted me with a warm smile as I made my way in, heading straight towards the elevators. The exhaustion from the weekend began taking it's toll on me as I dragged my feet towards the front door, my duffel bag seemed heavier than it did a few minutes ago and I yawned a total of four times since stepping into the building.

Fumbling with the keys, I finally managed to unlock the door only to walk into complete silence. Most of the lights were off, the bustling city outside the windows across from the me were the main source of light. I know I told Chelsea that my flight was delayed but I at least hoped that she would be home when I got here. She's been spending an awful lot of time with Charlie lately, makes me wonder if maybe theres something more going on there. I make a mental note to ask her about it when I see her.

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