Love Dye Chapter 15-Fake Phase

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My head was ached, again. The pain almost too much to bear. But i was a vampire now, i reminded, myself, i was strong. My hair felt concrete. Bloody hell it was hard like stone, getting up, i saw the sea. I was on some sort of docks. Whispering stopped behind me and i only catched a few silent phrases, "Hush, he's waking up", or something like that. What in the bloody hell was i doing here? The whisper had an american accent, so i guess i was back in New York, i hoped. But where were the others? Where was Charles? Where was Onella? Where was Celeron? But, truly i was only thinking: Where was my Vera?

Turning around  i saw five men, all bigger and taller than me. And all wearing black. They reminded me eerily of the Vampire Council's henchmen, however i probably would be dead by now atleast, right? The one in the middle was obviously the leader. He was the shortest by had a wideness about him that scared me. That looked as if he was eating at my very soul. "We found you at the beachside, you washed up here", he said to me keeping his red eyes staring straight at mine at all times,"Our theory is you were on a boat and somehow fell in the waters and ended up here, we'll take you to our le--....our child social workers to help your situation", from his expression it showed his mistake in his speech, just about killed him. His eyes creeped me out, they were too red, too alien, yet still not vampirish.

"What do you mean, a boat?", i told them, i knew this was some joke, some trap, "Where are the rest of my friends ? A girl with blue hair?", i half begged half shouted at them. 

"We only found you", "This must be traumatic for you", "Your mind could be hallucinating and many other suggestions from the rest of these intimidating strangers. Then the red eyed man said, "We have no idea what you are talking about and therefore the best thing for you to do is co-operate, we are taking you to the offices to fix your situaton. To help you.", his tiny tiny smile sliced my imaginary heart. What was happening?

"But...but....but...(heavy heavy breathing)", i felt my heart sink, the one i lost, now lost again and my soul cry for her: Vera. She had to be real, right? No, this can't be true, could it? Could i be losing my entire mind? 

Before i could stop them i was lead away towards the roads, inland. However, what i had not noticed was that the five men, who could obviously kill me if they'd wanted were cornering me, just enough to lock me but not enough to be too close to me. I felt all the life that i had in my body leave me. I didn't want  to move, i didn't want to live. 

They took me in a large black car, i didn't notice the make or the fact that their was atleast one man either side of me, or that the windows were blacked out. My head fell down and i felt my entire world collapsed. Could i have imagined it all? Every bit? Me, being a vampire wasn't true? Or was it? Thats when i spotted a gun underneath the car seat. Who were these men? Infact, i was only just a teenager, so why did so many men come for me? Why did they care so much about a teenager. Something was wrong.

Sliding my thumbs in my mouth i felt my teeth, i told my teeth to release the fangs. Tears ready to explode like a child, all my hope was about to finish when my i felt a sting in my thumbs. Pulling them out i saw two red tiny spots on each thumb. I WAS A VAMPIRE! My imaginary heart, my soul and everything in me lifted immediatly. Now where was my Vera? Who were these men?

Hmm, vampire hunters, i came to the conclusion, when a big thump landed on the top of the black car, leaving an inward dent. Now lets see which wonderful lovely crazy beautiful person who had super human abilities that saved her lover time after time: MY BLOODY VERA, i screamed in my emphasised english accent. If i had a camera i wouldn't take pictures of the four men but of their leader: his red eye's burned with fear: oh he was dead now, Beach! I mentally laughed, trying my best not to forget my poker face but act a look of shock and absolute surprise with a mix of fear. 

Though the back seat windows were so pitch black neither i or Vera could see eachother the window in the front i could see out from. We were on a road going through a green field. It was midday. The sun shining how i truly felt: happiness and relief. I would be ok. But i wasn't going to let them touch Vera. As the man driving the car looked like he was playing a steering game with his steering wheel to get Vera off the car, i slid a gun into my hoodie pocket. 

Then i saw the red eyed creep stare at me intensly, i had to make my move now-too late i thought as the red eyed guy said "Hold him, he's a hostage/monster who can kill us all, you fools!", the mask he wore had fallen. Wierdly enough i relaxed more now that the truth was out. The masquerade was finally over. Vera's thumping had stopped all together now. Gosh, i felt like dieing right then and there. What had happened to my beloved?

Then i saw a blue pixie in the front windscreen that lit up my face, she mouthed "Sorry " and "I love you". Her tiny hands in a nano second went under the car and flipped us backwards. I heard gunshots from the red eyed creep while the others screamed words like "Fuck" and other lovely ambitious vocabulary. I just got my head and held it tightly in my hands after mid-air being released from the basterds holds. CRASH! This.....would......hurt.

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