Senior Editor: Nazaro

1.4K 23 8

Name: Nik, my stage name is The Nix

Years of Experience: I've edited things here and there all my life. My teachers have me grade stuff for them sometimes;P

Level of Experience: (I would think I am a senior. I'm quite inciteful and I hate short messages, but I know it's up to you:)

Genres you accept: All, but I prefer paranormal, horror, romance, and vampire. And I prefer BotxBoy romance, but I HATE cliche BoyxBoy stories, and their are so many, it rediculous. Try making them not about sexuality!(sorry for the rant, lol)

Age: 14 and 10 months

Often you go to Wattpad: Every hour I'm not sleeping or performing!

Age Ratings you accept: All, preferably older, they are usually more entertaining;P

Do you do edits by email or PM?
I prefer PM, but I am happy to do it which ever way my client wants.

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