Girl Wants Boy

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Part 1

Olivia checked her watch for the fifth time since she had entered the diner. It was a small place, but it wasn't cute like it so wanted to be. Definitely not the type of place you take a girl on the first date.

She stood up from the booth, leaving a tip for the waitress, though she had not eaten anything while she had waited for the boy that her best friend Lily had set her up with.

Olivia had met the guy before, only once, and with that one glance she knew that he wasn't the dating type. She also knew that he would stand her up. She had been waiting here for forty five minutes; he wasn't coming.

Now, Olivia walked into the brisk autumn air and began her journey back home. She passed all the small shops on the street until she came to one; Mike's Used Books.

This used to be her favorite bookstore and she used to come here almost every day after school. But since she had graduated high school four or five months ago, she stopped coming.

She smiled to herself then opened the door, stepping into the heated air of the book shop. When she got in, she immediately went to the Teen Fiction section and browsed through the books.

Ten minutes later she realized the real reason she had stopped coming here. Not because she was out of school, but because there were no good books for her to pick. She had searched two shelves three times but came up with nothing.

But, while she was looking, she did come across a boy.

He was tall, but she was tall too, and he had dark brown hair. He wasn't cute, but hot. The best part being that he didn't even know it. He was only ten feet away from Olivia and for the five minutes that she had been watching him, it seemed as if he was having the same problem she was, looking for a book.

Finally, she decided to go up to him. Fate was giving her a second chance and she wasn't going to pass it up.

"What kind of books do you like?" Olivia asked, now right beside him.

He looked up at her and studied her for a bit, while she did the same. His chocolaty brown eyes and her light hazel eyes stared right into each other, as if in a competition.

"Science fiction, I guess," he answered, finally deciding to speak.

Olivia smiled just a tiny bit. "Well, I can't help you there," she said. "I'm into girly romances. All the fluffy beach reads."

He looked down with a small stain of pink on his cheeks as if having a girl look at him was different. Olivia noted this; he was the shy type.

"I can't find anything here anyways," he said, now scanning the spines of the books for anything that looked interesting.

"I couldn't find anything interesting here either," she said, adding 'except for you' to the sentence in her mind. "But I can try to help."

He nodded his head so she began doing the exact same thing he was doing.

"What's your name?" Olivia asked him, still facing the books.

"Dex, short for Dexter," he answered and went back to the books.

Olivia waited for him to ask for her name, but he didn't. She normally would've taken this as a sign that he didn't want to talk to her, but today she wasn't giving up.

"Well thank you for even caring for the name that my parents spent ages coming up with," she said sarcastically with a smile.

He blushed. "I'm sorry, what’s your name?"


There was a small smile on his face as he said, "your parents spent ages coming up with the name Olivia?"

She lightly shoved him instead of replying.

He chuckled and Olivia could tell that he didn't do that much. There was a look of surprise on his face when it came out.

"So how old are you?" She asked him.

"Nineteen," he replied, then, making a big show of it, asked, "What about you?"

"Eighteen," she replied. "Thank you for asking."

They continued looking at books for a while. Until Olivia became bored of the silence.

"So, Dex-short-for-Dexter, do you like coffee?" She asked him. "And by that, I mean, do you want to have some with me?"

His head snapped to Olivia. He looked shocked at first, then it seemed as if he was having an inner battle with himself. All over some coffee.

"What's the matter? Afraid you'll fall in love with me?" Olivia asked, generally concerned, but she tried to play it off with a smirk.

He finally spoke then, with a sad smile on his face. "I don't fall in love."

Olivia studied him. What could he possible mean by that? She had only been joking with him.

Sensing that the mood had shifted to something heavier, Olivia smiled brightly. "So how about that coffee?"


Short story! It's only going to be three parts... and I have it all written actually.

Anyways, I based this off of a song. And it’s fairly popular. Can you guess what song it is? I already put parts of it in here... And if you don't comment with your guess, at least think about it! Please?

So Umm, yeah. Comment! Vote! Fanimos!

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