Chapter 42 (Confession 2)

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Hey salam TLIMMsquad how are we all? A huge big fat shoutout goes to (@ayushhh) for being the first commenter on the previous chapter. Thank you darling i appreciate you.😘
#teamZainMalik do you think a divorce will be the solution as Zain was hinting that she won't stand Malik? Tell me what you think. Enjoy ❤

"Zain open this door please!".

Malik pleaded twisting the door knob to let her know that he was still there.
He can't just let it slide that way as she just accused him of having an extramarital affair and even hinted on him sleeping with Amal. Gosh that's one thing be will never engage in,not now that he's even married. Even as a bachelor he never slept with another woman because he knew what a heinous sin it is in Islam. He had a fair share of bad things he had done as a teenager and a young college boy back away from his parents but those have been all from the young stupid age and has since transformed for the better by turning to the right path.

"Zain please,let me in".
He pleaded in a strained voice. He could feel the headache already creeping it's way.

The door swung open and there she was standing face to face with him.

"What Malik?!What now!?"
She blurted showing no sign of regret for what she said to him earlier.
She took in his form looking tired and somewhat sick and felt a pang of sympathy towards him but anger and jealousy quickly overcame it.

"You know it's haram to point accusation at some person in islam right?".
He questioned looking at her.
She didn't respond which made him continue to speak.

"I am your husband Zain and i get you're angry at whatever is happening at this moment. But accuse me of sleeping with another woman? That's just too deep".

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to utter those words ".
She apologised feeling a little guilty.

"It's fine. I just want you to know that i would never do such to you. Not when i know what a major sin it is to sleep with somebody while not married".

She nodded her head in understanding and proceeded to shut her door. He quickly grabbed her wrist in an attempt to stop her from slamming the door in his face again.

"Zain please don't close the door in my face again. "

She attempted to wrench her wrist off him but his grip was too firm so she had no choice but to stand still sending a sharp glare his way.

"I need you to understand me please,sometimes things just happen because they're destined to happen. And taking another wife doesn't mean i will abandon you or my love for you will lessen Zain. Please stop being angry with me,it's not good for both of us."

He said softly losing the firm grip on her wrist.

"I've understand Malik,i am not good enough for you,i can't give you a child,i am too bad at being your wife that you had no chance but to marry another. I knew it when your Aunty Razia kept pestering me about if i am pregnant or not,i knew she will definately make you think of taking another wife. Well congratulations to her she has succeeded. Good for her ".

Zain sneered glaring at Malik who seemed to be suprised and perplexed at what she said for the second time again. He felt a sudden rush of rage bu merely thinking that Zain has been going through alot after her miscarriage but she never breathed a word about it. He barged into the room making her jolt at his action.

"What happened with Aunty Razia,why would she be pestering you about having a baby?"

"Nothing happened".
Zain responded non chalantly trying to let him bury the discussion about his favourite aunty.

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