A Chance at Life

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My Name is Arianna Blackwood. You know im not the typical 16 year old that you see wearing fake tan and skirts that are like belts but i do attend Harwood High School. I live in North Carolina with my mum and big brother Ethan and of course lets not forget butch our beloved dog. I hope i get to stay here longer than just 2 years this time you see my mum works with the most successful hotel companies in the world so unfortunately that means we are always moving around and never staying in the same area longer than 2 years. Lets just say in the past 16 years of my life i have had ummm like 14 different houses in so many different areas.

''Arianna, get up!''

I jump up startled being brought out of my day dream and head to the bathroom. I get what i thought was a short shower but it went on longer than i thought and was barged in by my idiot brother Ethan. There are times like these when i wish i was a lonely child.

''oh my god Ethan u dick ur so lucky i was changed!''

''oh come on Arianna u honestly dont think i seen ur sights before ur my sister to remember''

''jesus Ethan that was 2 years ago get over it!''

ok u guys might be confused well let me see ok here goes. I was 15 ok and i went to my best friend joshs for his 18th n well things didnt go too good i ended up going completely naked and dancing on the kitchen table with josh (both completely drunk btw) and Ethan walked in trying to be the protective brother type eventhough he isnt really my brother u see we have the same mum but a different dad. Anyway he walked in grabbing me off the table amd wrapped his shirt around me walking me home i stopped to throw up like 4 times and once we actually kissed in the woods (completely drunk remember) and woke up the next morning with the biggest hangover and in nothing but a simpsons tshirt.

Fun times me and my brother had but this morning i really wish i was a only child. But i also have loved the idea of an older brother to protect u to beat up who ever treats u wrong and to help u cheat on a few tests but no Ethan doesnt believe in cheating but he is very protective over me.

sorry for such short chapter but it seems right to kind of end at that place and it makes people hang on wanting to know what happens next? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ♡

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