Chapter 2

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Heya, I'm back!

First, I need to apologize. I planned to update once a month, but my biggest enemy attacked and made me stall my plans. Procrastination. (Dum, dum, dum!) The same reason lead me to promising my friend I'd update latest 9pm, but am updating at 2am. 😓

Secondly, I am still trying to not use Japanese words, it's hard, but I really, really try.😔

Lastly, I don't know exactly when, but most likely May and June, possibly April as well, I won't update or I'll update late. I've got Cambridge AS level tests and they're super duper hard, so I'll need to concentrate more on those.

Next update will, hopefuly, come on Friday, 9th of March.



Human speech

Human thoughts

Demon/Bijuu speech

Demon/Bijuu thought

3 years later

Over the years quite a lot has changed. While the villagers' treatment towards Naruto stayed the same, the way she acted when they attacked her changed. It was mainly that she stopped ignoring them and acting unaffected. She yelled and cried whenever they attacked her, both physically and emotionally. She also started seeking attention, copying a chuunin, an Iru- something or another when he was a child, as an example, by pranking anyone she could, anytime she could. At the age of 6 she entered the academy, but skipped all the time, usually to prank villagers which led to her becoming her classes' so called 'Dead last'. No one liked her and she was always alone, quite often hurt, both by civilians and ninja.

BUT that was all part of an elaborate plan played on the village for the past three years. She never even started caring about what people thought about her and honestly believed that even thinking about how to repay the villagers for their treatment, was a gigantic waste of time. Rather most, if not all done since meeting Kurama was done by a clone, a special type of clone taught to by the bijuu himself, a blood clone. The clone had two great advantages that placed it high above any other clone. Firstly, it could only be dispelled by the one who cast it, or simply said, it couldn't be killed. Secondly, it could take chakra from her anytime at any distance, so even if it used up tons of chakra, she could send it more to keep up the appearance of it having her own enormous reserves.

She herself spend the time in more useful ways, such as: training, searching for other jinchuuriki, gaining allies, threatening and blackmailing people, simple stuff like that. At this moment, although she was actually in the academy, 'listening' to the, in her humble opinion, terrible and useless lesson about god knows what. She herself didn't really want to be there, but Kurama told her that if she wanted to get to the person who could finally tell her who the other jinchuuriki are and where to find them, she'd have the best chance while being still in Leaf. She thought about skipping and training in the meantime but as it turns out, the ANBU aren't completely useless. And that's the story of how she got stuck in a room with a teacher, whose eyes she wanted to gouge and a bunch of, to quote Kurama, 'brats', whose stomachs she wanted to cut open and strangle them with their own intestines, with a few small exceptions.

"Kurama I swear to god, if you're wrong and the person you're talking about, like he's your god or something, is not here, I swear I will find a way to get you out of myself without me dying and kill you, an immortal chakra being or no!"

"Calm down kid, you're no sensor so you can't feel him, but I can and I assure you that after the academy ends, I'll personally lead you to him," Kurama replied, trying to soothe Naruto's anger.

What if... Jinchuuriki!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora