The Bored and the Boring

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I put on my school uniform and went to my perfectly boring school life…

I parked my BMW at the space allotted for me; I’m the school’s resident show student. This, I would tell you, really sucks!

They called me as such because of my surname. I want to tell our old principal that I am not a dog who would roll and bark as told. I am my own person and I don’t want to be advertised to each and every aspiring student or parent who would like to enroll their kids in this school.

“Hi, this is our star student”, the principal introduced me to this expensive rich-looking family. The kid, I think, was perfectly groomed yet she wasn’t comfortable with her mom’s choice of dress. I couldn’t help but agree as she would look better in a different dress. I smiled as I extended my right hand to the mom and touched her daughter’s shoulder and invited her to go with me while the principal was sweet talking her parents to enrolling her here.

As we passed by the hall, I asked her if she wanted to be in this school just to start a conversation. She just answered me with a shrug. Looking at her, I asked her a close-ended question but then she gave me a shrug. I thought to myself, “Am I boring?” because a few more minutes and I’d grow tired of this boring girl.

She touched my hair. Thanks to my stylist, it’s long and silky. I asked her if she liked it, flipping my hair just as a shampoo commercial model would. She just smiled at me. Oh my god…

This is becoming a one sided conversation. In just a few minutes, I will be talking to myself. Then a brilliant idea popped in my head. I smiled at her and asked her a question.

“Are you bored?”

I smiled and flashed my sad puppy eyes for her, expecting her to say yes.

I didn’t let her answer my question. I just grabbed her by the hand and literally dragged her inside my car and drove away as fast as I could.

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