Chapter 7

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(Y/n) was painting a room with Jack’s help when her phone rang. She looked over at Jack, who was using the rolled to paint long, pink strokes on the wall, while she worked on the white trim and little details.

“Keep up the good work sweetheart.” She said with a smile. Jack couldn’t help but smile at her. She picked up her phone.

“Hello?” She asked.

“(Y/n)!” Jody cheered. “How are you feeling?”

“Great actually.” (Y/n) said, rubbing a hand on her belly. Outside of still being surprised about her baby healing her and other little things, this was just like a normal pregnancy. “What can I do for you today?”

Well, I was talking with Claire and Alex, and we’ve decided that we want to throw you a baby shower.” Jody said. (Y/n) went to argue, but Jody cut her off. “Donna is coming from Minnesota. She said that she told people her sister was having a baby and they all wanted to give gifts.” (Y/n) laughed some. Donna would often joke that (Y/n) was the little sister she always wanted.

“Well, Cas and I will make our way up there then.” (Y/n) said. “What day?”

Saturday if you can make it.” Jody said. (Y/n) smiled.

“Saturday is perfect. Thank you guys for this. I’ll see you then.” (Y/n) hung up and went to find Cas. He was sweeping the floor in the hallway. “Where are Sam and Dean?” She asked.

“Supply run.” He said. She smiled and wrapped her arms around him and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. He dropped his broom and pulled her close to him to kiss her back. He loved that he got to do this now. It had always been something he had wanted to do. “Why don’t we just tell them about us?” Cas asked when she pulled away a moment later. He missed the moment of fear in her eyes.

“N-no. Let’s just wait.” (Y/n) said. “I just…don’t think the time is right.”

“Okay, sure.” Cas said, a little confused but not wanting to make her mad. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

“Jody is throwing a baby shower for me.” (Y/n) said. “It’s Saturday. I thought maybe we could drive up there a little early.” Cas smiled and was about to say something when the boys came in.

“We got the chocolate you’ve been asking for.” Dean said. “And the carrot sticks.”

“Oooo thanks boys.” (Y/n) said, taking the items from them and heading to the kitchen. “I’ll make sure to take some of these with us when we leave in a few days.”

“Where are we going?” Sam asked, looking at Cas.

“Jody is throwing (Y/n) a baby shower.” Cas explained. “So we are going to take the truck and head up a little early. Maybe stop by Dr. Robert’s office to get her checked up.”

“Great! I miss Jody’s. And Claire owes me a rematch at mini golf.” Dean said. (Y/n) popped her head out of the kitchen and looked at Cas. When he looked back at her, she walked out of the kitchen.

“Dean, you know that baby showers are for women, right?” She asked.

“Well, Cas is going.” Dean pointed out.

“Well, Dean, technically just my body is male. I am an interdimensional being with no gender.” Cas explained. Dean just looked from Cas to (Y/n). Things had been really weird between the two of them since Dean and Sam had came back from their hunting binge. He tried asking Jack, but he just pretended he didn’t know what was going on.

“Is there a reason you don’t want Sam and I to go?” Dean asked, raising an eyebrow. (Y/n) shook her head.

“No. I just didn’t think you’d want to go…” She said.

“Well, we want to.” Dean said before Sam could say they weren’t going to go. (Y/n) nodded and headed back to the nursery to check on Jack. Cas picked his broom back up and started sweeping. “Wait, does this mean we have to get her a gift now?”

“Well, that would be nice.” Sam said. Dean sighed.

“Go get Jack. We’ll go shopping.” He said. Sam nodded and got Jack, who wasn’t happy about giving up his paiting duties until Sam explained what they were going to do.

Jack already loved baby Layla and wanted to get things for her.


Thursday night, Cas and (Y/n) climbed into the truck while Dean, Sam, and Jack got in the Impala. (Y/n) had convinced Dean to let her and Cas drive separately, because she wasn’t sure what they would be getting at the baby shower and she didn’t want to stow the baby’s things with blood stained knives and cursed objects.

“At least we have a little alone time.” (Y/n) said, holding Cas’s hand as he drove.

“If we told them about us…” He felt her hand tighten some. “(Y/n)?”

“Please don’t.” She whispered. He could see how scared she was, and realized what was happening. Paranoia. He had seen it with Kelly at some parts.

“Okay, we won’t.” Cas soothed her. “Just breath for me, okay?” (Y/n) nodded and relaxed. Cas looked forward as they drove, worry starting to creep into his mind.


“You do realize baby showers are for girls, right?” Jody said as you all walked in.

“We brought gifts.” Jack said, holding up a pink bag. Sam had helped him pick out a present for Layla, and he had to stop him from loading up the cart with things. Jody laughed and led them into the living room where Claire, Alex, and Donna were already gathered. Soon, conversation was flowing as was food. Dean got himself a beer, even though Jody had planned on it being alcohol free. Presents were opened, (Y/n) going on and on about each one.

“You guys are staying the night, right?” Jody asked. “I don’t think it’s good for (Y/n) to be travelling that far in such a short time.”

“We’ll stay at a motel.” Dean said. Jody shook her head.

“(Y/n) is staying in my guest room.” She said. “Who knows what’s going on in those rooms…”

“Uh, can Cas stay?” (Y/n) asked. “Just in case something happens, he’s right there and can help.” Jody smiled.

“Of course.” She said. Claire and Alex were mumbling to each other about how Cas and (Y/n) were totally together, but it went unheard by most. Grumbling, Dean left with Sam and Jack in tow. Cas carried (Y/n)’s things up to her room. “(Y/n), come here.” Jody said. (Y/n) walked over to her.

“What is it Jody?” She asked.

“I know that you didn’t ask for Cas to be here just for support.” She reached down and grabbed (Y/n)’s left hand, holding it up. “The Winchester’s might be blind, but I can see a shiny new piece of metal.”

“Jody, please don’t say anything to them.” (Y/n) said, looking down.

“Why?” She asked. “I’m sure they would be happy. You both are their friends. And a cute couple.” (Y/n) shook her head.

“Dean is always talking bad about Jack. And he seems to have reverted to his old ways. That everything that isn’t human is wrong.” Tears filled her eyes. “I’m afraid of what he would do if he found out about Cas and me.”

“Dean would never hurt you.” Jody said. “But I won’t say anything. Just get some sleep okay? But enjoy your time with your husband.” (Y/n) nodded and quickly ascended the stairs, leaving Jody standing there, thinking.

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