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Harlow and Scot both sat in the kitchen drinking tea when Bobby, John and Rogue walked in and sat down. They sat down at the table beside the couple who were chatting casually about how their classes went that day.

“Hey professors, Logan was telling us that you were both arrested and we wanted to know if the was true?” Rogue asked.

“Unfortunately it is true, Scot and I were arrested for assault” Harlow answered.

“Can you tell us what happened?” Bobby and John asked.

“Sure, why not. Now are you three ready to listen?” Scot said. The three teens nodded eagerly in response. “Ok so one afternoon Harlow and I were walking to get some food…”


Scot and Harlow walked down the street one their way to get some food for dinner. On the way to the store they passed many car dealerships which Scot would drag Harlow into. Harlow had just gotten him to leave a Chevy dealership when they passed a Porsche dealership. Scot practically ran up to the nicest car and started talking to the salesperson about test driving it. Harlow had had enough and just wanted to get food and go back to the school.

Just as Scott was about to get into the car, the car fell into a sink hole. Suddenly all of the cars were in deep holes. Scot immediately looked at Harlow how was controlling what was happening.

“Harlow stop this now!” Scot demanded.

“No, you’ve been looking at cars all day and we still haven’t gotten to the store” Harlow yelled back. Scot then took off his sunglasses and shot the lasers at Harlow. However Harlow started to summon thunder and lightning. She then made the lightning strike the cars and ground around Scot. Scot shot the lasers at the building that was behind Harlow, causing the building to crumble in to pieces near Harlow. Suddenly they started to hear sirens headed towards the destroyed dealership. Harlow and Scot looked at each other and started running. They ran into town where they sat down in a café and had some coffee.

“Harlow you didn’t have to have a fit back there” Scot told her. Harlow then picked up her cup of coffee and threw the hot liquid in his face. She then stormed out of the café. Scot chased after her, when he caught up to her he grabbed her wrist tightly.

“Let go of me Scot” Harlow hissed.

“You need to calm down. You’re changing the weather” Scot said as he let go of her wrist. Suddenly Harlow had Scot pinned against the wall by some plants. “Where are you going?!” Scot yelled as Harlow started to walk away.

“I’m going to the store!” Harlow yelled back.

45 minutes later…

Harlow walked back to where Scot was stuck, she was furious with him. She let him down and started to form a water ball in her hands. “Because of you, when I got to the store it was closed” Harlow growled as she threw the water ball at Scot.

Suddenly the cops came and surrounded the two. “Miss put the water balloon down” one of the cops ordered.  There were two cops standing behind Harlow waiting for the signal to handcuff her. The one cop nodded to the two behind her and they pounced on Harlow and handcuffed her. Once Scot saw that they had put handcuffs on her he took off his glasses and aimed at the cop car. The car in a way exploded and the cops started to go after Scot.

“Scot stop!” Harlow shouted.

Scot then put his sunglasses back on and looked at Harlow. He was then taken off guard and handcuffed. Next thing the two knew they were taken to jail. When they got there both were thrown into cells. Harlow sat down and started to cool down after what had happened. Meanwhile Scot was sitting worrying about Harlow and how would Professor X react to this.

After about six hours two cops came and got the two. “Miss you have been bailed out” the cop said to Harlow as he opened the cell. She then hurried out of the cell and into the waiting area.

“Sir you have been bailed out” the cop said to Scot as he opened the cell. Scot then walked out of the cell and into the waiting area. He saw Harlow standing there looking for the person that had bailed her out. Scot saw Professor X waving to him but not to Harlow. Scot walked up to Professor X and asked, “Who bailed Harlow out?”

“Why don’t you turn around to see for yourself” Professor X told Scot. Scot turned around to see Harlow hugging some man.

Meanwhile, Harlow was hugging her uncle, Tony Stark. She was surprised to see him there and not Pepper.

“So you got arrested for assault and destroying property” Tony questioned.

“Yes” Harlow sighed.

“Well you’re following in your mother’s footsteps” Tony told her. “Is that your boyfriend over there with Charles?”

“No not really, why?” Harlow answered.

“I was just wondering. If your mother was here she would tell you to go for him because he is hot for a mutant” Tony joked. Harlow then gave him a playful punch.

“Harlow come on we are heading back to the school” Scot said.

“Ok one second” she said. She then turned to Tony and gave him one last hug. “Bye Uncle Tony. Thanks for bailing me out, of and remember to come and visit me” Harlow thanked him.

“If you are in New York City come and stop in for a visit. Pepper and I just finished Stark Tower” Tony told her. As Harlow started walking away Tony said, “Bye Har I’ll miss you.”

End of flashback

“So you got bailed out by Professor X and Tony Stark?” Bobby questioned.

“Yes and it was truly embarrassing” Harlow told them.

“What did the Professor say to you two?” John asked.

“Well we both got a stern talking to” Scot answered the teen’s question. All three teens couldn’t believe that their teachers had gotten arrested.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2014 ⏰

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