Mutants Forever

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Harlow and Kahlan were best friends which was funny because they were both mutants. Kahlan had grey wings in her back and Harlow could control the elements. They were both on a train heading to Westchester, New York. Professor Charles Xavier wanted the two girls to teach some classes.

“Kahlan ignore them” Harlow whispered. Kahlan was getting very annoyed of the weird looks that she was getting.

“Easy for you to say, you don’t have a huge hunch on you back because you have wings” Kahlan snapped. It was true that Harlow didn’t have wings but her hair did change colour when she start controlling the elements.

“Well we are going to a place where people will accept us” Harlow told Kahlan. Kahlan just nodded her head. She knew that Harlow’s Uncle Charles Xavier was a mutant and had asked them to teach at his school for mutants. She knew that Charles was a nice guy.

“I’m going to take a nap. Wake me up when we arrive” Kahlan said to Harlow before closing her eyes.

After twenty minutes the train had stopped. Harlow had woken Kahlan up. They grabbed their bags and got a taxi. When they arrived at the school a woman with white hair and brown skin walked up to then.

“Hi I’m Ororo Monroe or Storm. I’m guessing that you two are the new English and Chemistry teachers. I’ll show you to the professor’s office” she said as she grabbed their bags.

“You control the weather don’t you” Harlow said to Ororo.

“Why yes I do. How did you know?” Ororo asked.

“Easy you said you were called Storm and the only reason for that would be you control the weather” Harlow explained.

“So what are your powers” Ororo asked the two of them.

“Well I have wings” Kahlan answered.

“And I can control the elements” Harlow replied. They came to a door. Ororo knocked and then they heard a faint come in. Ororo nodded to them and they walked into the office.

Harlow saw her Uncle Charles sitting in his wheelchair behind a desk. She had the biggest smile on her face as she ran to give him a hug.

“Uncle Charles!” Harlow squealed.

“Harlow, it’s been so long. Last time I saw you, you were fourteen. Now look at you, you’re all grown up” Professor X said as he gave his only niece a hug. “And this must be Kahlan.”

“Yes, it’s nice to see you again Professor” Kahlan said.

“Now on to business, you two are going to teach classes for me. Harlow you are basically the only English teacher here, but Kahlan you will teach the Chemistry. Kahlan, Ororo will show you to your classroom and bedroom and I will show Harlow” Professor X said as they left the office.

Harlow and Professor X walked down a huge hallway. Near the end of the hall they stopped. He opened the door to reveal a huge room with desks and a chalkboard. Harlow walked into the classroom she saw a desk with a vase of her favourite flower, orchids, sitting on the top of the desk.

“Do you like it?” Professor X asked.

“Yes” Harlow answered.

“This was your father’s classroom when he taught here” Charles told her. Harlow just smiled. “Ok so the only classroom that’s really close is the Math classroom. I would suggest you go and talk to the teacher and get to know him. He will show you to your room also. I have to go, it was nice seeing you again Harlow” Charles explained.

Meanwhile Ororo was just showing Kahlan her room. “If you need anything my room is right next door. I’ll show you to Harlow’s room later. You can go and wonder around the school if you want” Ororo explained.

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