chapter one... decisions.

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June 17, 2089

dear diary,

my name is Zarissa. I'm 19 years old and today is my birthday. I'm a member of the cold moon pack. That's right I'm a werewolf, but I'm special... I'm different and today I'm changing my life. Tonight I'm leaving my abusive pack behind. Only problem is I'm also leaving the man I love. Even though he broke my heart three years ago he's still the only one that is ever nice to me. Maxwell is the only one that's nice about it when he tells me what to do.

You stupid bitch; your nothing but a waste of space. You can't even shift, just cause you smell like one of the pack doesn't mean you will ever be more then a pack slave. Your parents may have been the alpha and Luna of this pack before they died but we can't afford weak members in this pack. Why don't you just leave? All your good for is chores, not that your even good at doing those.
end flashback.....

To tell you a little about myself, I don't look like any member of my pack they all have these normal boring hair and eye colors. But like I said I'm different. I have natural blood red hair and deep emerald green eyes.

Normally your supposed to shift on your 16 th birthday well I didn't. I shifted years earlier but no one knows.

The first time I shifted was my 14th birthday. Out on a picnic with my parents, like we did every year for my birthday. Only that year the picnic didn't end well. About 20 minutes after we got to the spot where we had our picnic every year we were attacked by vampires. Four of those filthy blood suckers attacked and killed my parents. Seeing this I shifted right then and there and killed them all. Now I'm not the only one that's different as my wolf is different too. Her name is Shetera and she's pure white except for the blood red tips on her paws tail and ears. Shetera told me once I calmed down enough to listen to her that I was supposed to tell no one about her. So on my 16th birthday when everyone else was shifting I stayed in my human form. I let everyone believe I didn't have a wolf. That night my sleep was fitful I just kept waking up checking my room for any signs of a pack member to come to my room and remove me. Of course all that happened is Maxwell coming to my room and wrapping his arm around me. The minute he's settled in bed next to me I pass out. Only to wake up to a horrible pain in my chest. That next morning as soon as I woke up there was a knock at my door. Opening it I think my jaw dropped cause there stood Alpha Zander and all he says to me before turning and walking away is.... Pack your clothes your moving to the servants quarters. From that day on I have endured beatings from almost every member of my pack. Then my 18th birthday comes and although I look at every male pack member I find no mate.

Now a year later I've had it. I can't take the beatings anymore. Always ending up at the pack doctors. I just can't do it anymore so tonight I'm leaving. I just have to make it through this last day with my pack. But tonight once they are all asleep..... I'M OUT OF HERE

Zarissa Moon

authors note....
let me know what you think guys should I keep publishing it? do you want to read more feel free to comment or like

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