Chapter 2

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As Bella closed the door and I could hear the shower turn on, I made my way to the music room. With the cool white walls and pristine baby grand in the middle of the floor, it was the perfect place to think. I ran my hand across the top of the piano and luxuriated in the feel of the lacquered wood under my fingertips. Music had always been an escape for me. No matter what the emotion, there was always something soothing when it came to playing.

Sitting down on the bench, I closed my eyes and placed my fingers on the keys. Images of Bella splayed across them in nothing more than a white lace thong flashed through my mind. It had always been a fantasy of mine to have my loves combined. The thought of making love to Bella on the piano was more than I had dared to wish for.

"Oh hell, you'd tickle her ivories, or should I say ovaries, good 'n proper on this baby!"

Ignoring the crude remark, I wiped my mouth with my hand, immediately being assaulted with Bella's scent. Bringing my hand up to my nose, I inhaled deeply and was overcome with a fresh onslaught of desire.

"Oh my God, I can't do this," I muttered to myself as I lay my head on the piano, causing it to make an unholy sound that echoed around the cavernous room.

"Well if you don't, you're on your own. That bitch is ker-azy!"

"I know, I promised... she's not crazy. "

"Whatever dude, you gotta keep your end of the bargain up. Anyway, it's not like you have any problems getting it up..."

"It's not that easy..."

"Didn't the old Doc ever have the birds and bee's chat with you? Don't fucking tell me I have to do that shit... Okay..."

"Shut up."

"Ducks go quack, cows go moo. You'll stick it in and she'll go ooh!"

"I said shut up."

"Oi, bacon face! I'm telling you now. You either get your dick wet today or I'm gonna be up your ass for the rest of eternity."

I could hear the shower turn off and Bella moving around the bathroom. Humming along to some unrecognizable tune, she pottered around, dropping her towel as she went. I groaned at the soft swishing sound the towel made as it hit the floor. There was no doubt she'd be naked at that precise moment, and I could barely resist the urge to peek.

"OK, Edward, just chill. You'll be seeing everything soon," I whispered to myself as I concentrated on the piano in front of me. While my fingers moved across the keys of their own accord, the gentle melody bounced around the room almost in time with Bella's movement.

The bathroom door opened marking my cue to put my 'game face' on and be the man and husband Bella deserved. As I reached the door to the bedroom, I was met by my very flushed and wet wife.

"Oh, hang on. Damn it, don't come in!" She shouted as the door slammed in my face, then I heard her frantically moving around on the other side of it. As I stood staring at the white, wooden door, I had absolutely no idea what she was doing. But, under no circumstance was I entering that room until instructed to do so.

After a few more moments the door opened, and I was greeted by my nervous looking wife. We just smiled and stared at each other. No words were spoken as we faced each other, but many a conversation took place.

Standing in front of Bella, who was clad only in a white towel covering her from her breasts to the top of her thighs, I gazed into her eyes, too nervous to look any lower. There was only the fluffy material of the towel and my underwear separating us from complete vulnerability. Once that barrier was removed, there would be no going back and I knew things would change for the rest of our existence.

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