To The Future

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When I get older losing my hair
Many years from now
Will you still be sending me a valentine
Birthday greetings, bottle of wine?
If I'd been out till quarter to three
Would you lock the door?
Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I'm sixty-four?
~When I'm 64 ~ The Beatles~

...June 10, 2011...

"Intruder Alert! Intruder in trophy room!" the computer system alerts us.

Nightwing, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian, Artemis, Robin, Beast Boy, and I all jump up and race to the trophy room. There we find a skinny man in a weird blue suit, trying to steal one of the more rare souvenirs. Nightwing flicks one of his wingdings, (it's the name of his batarangs...) knocking the souvenir from his hand.

"Who are you, and how did you get in here?" Nightwing demands.

"Y-You weren't supposed to see me..." the man winces. We walk closer toward him, backing him into the wall. "Stay away! You're not supposed to know I was here!"

He reaches for the dial on his belt, turning it and making a portal appear. He jumps into the portal. Nightwing, Superboy, Kid Flash, and I manage to follow him through before the portal closes behind us. We smack against the sides of the portal until we exit out into a city. We all groan as we tumble out with a smack to the ground.

I'm the first one up, looking around. "Guys, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."

"We weren't in Kansas to begin with," Conner huffs, picking himself up.

Richy and Wally manage to stand after.

"Yeah, we need to have you watch the Wizard of Oz when we get back from wherever we are," I respond.

A car flies by us.

"Whoa! Was that a flying car?!" Wally shouts excitedly.

A gang of people move towards us.

"We've been expecting you," a scarecrow looking guy speaks.

They're revealed from the shadows. Six people that look like clowns. One fat guy rolling on top a ball, a scarecrow, a big burly guy, twin girls, and a hyena boy with robotic arms.

They walk closer, and we get into fighting stances.

A purple blast of lightning is shot in front of them. "I bet you weren't expecting us," the person who shot it says.

A group of other costumed people land in front of us and a few slow to a stop from the ground. A man who is riding a sewer cap, another man who looks like the Hawks, a man who looks like an advanced Batman but with a glowing red insignia, a woman with a superman 'S' on her suit, and three speedsters a man and two women. One of the speedster women has a bow in hand.

"What's going on?" Conner huffs.

They turn to us. The speedsters eyes widen along with the Kryptonian.

The two obvious related twins look at me and Richy. "Mom? Dad?"

Our eyes widen.

The archer speedster looks at Wally, calling him dad. The same goes for Conner getting called dad by the super woman. I'm amazed our eyes are still in their sockets our eyes grow so large.

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