So Much Wrong Here: A Few Words on Slate's "Against YA"

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There is so much wrong's dismissive, judgmental article about people's reading habits/tastes - titled "Against YA" (see Wattpad sidebar beside this rant for the "external link" to the piece in question) - that it's hard to know where to start, so it's time for a list!

1) A good story is a good story, regardless if it is written for a child, a teenager or an adult; powerful themes/narratives transcend age/demographics.

2) The quick and blunt dismissal of genre fiction as "trashy" is woefully misguided (as someone who ekes out a living intelligently writing about and investigating horror, this makes me want to sit this journalist down and give 'em a literary lesson or two).

3) Books take us on adventures: sometimes they take us back in time to our younger, more naive years; sometimes they take us to places in the world (or on other worlds) we have no chance of ever experiencing; sometimes they guide us through tragedies and traumas we may never have to face first-hand. By limiting the scope of what we read, we are limiting our experiences and our ability to think/perceive/imagine things outside of our immediate reality, gender, age, creed, etc.

4) We should honestly be happy (and celebrate the fact) that some people still love books.

5) As an adult, it's not particular mature to put down other adults' interests and tastes. That's petty grade school playground stuff.

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