Losing you

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Dedicated to my angel JCS. 6-23-00-----------09-10-00. 

Today is the day you was given to me

But I never would have imagined it was only temporary.

You screamed and cried with every breath you took

I remember jotting down things in the new baby book.

We brought you home that faithful day

Never realizing what was about to come our way

Your mom and I were happy as could be

For you was out third and new baby.

You cried and cried and cooed and cooed

I saw both your mom and I in you

Your little hands I held so tight

Now I wish I would of held on with much more might.

Days and days they came and went

More time with you I wish I would have spent

I stayed outside and done my own thing

Never knowing your cries and tears were a song you would sing.

Your way of telling us your family goodbye

Now that I think tears form in my eyes

We celebrated one's birth that very same day

Smiling and laughing with every look of his our way.

I remember that day your mom and I we had a fight

She brought  you to me in the middle of the night

You little body so pale and blue

I did what I could knowing I couldn't save you.

I felt so weak as I screamed and prayed

Please lord don't take him my new baby away

He is to young to come and join you

Take me instead I have done all I could do.

I sped to the hospital hoping they could save you

Maybe something I could not do

They walked us into that cold and dark place

In my mind all I could see was your little face.

You looked so peaceful and at rest

I knew that GOD was doing what he thought was best

Seeing if your mom and I could find our way

Learn to stay together and happy each and every day.

I guess we did what he had planned

Because four years later he gave us another set of little hands

This time we were given a little girl

I made sure to make her my whole world.

I checked and checked on her each and every night

Making sure her belly went up and down just right

I was scared to close my eyes and hardly ever slept

For what happened to you I could never forget.

Now here we are a dozen years later

Your place of rest I can't visit without feeling the hatred

Standing there I watch the beautiful wings of the butterflies 

As I whisper I love you Jordan with tears in my eyes.

                                                    JORDAN COY SAMPSON

I would never want anyone to go through what Tara and I did. We lost a precious gift that could never be replaced. I understand by taking what GOD did he only did it to make heaven a more beautiful place. Be the best person you can because in the end we are never promised anything and we need to enjoy the short time we are given.

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