Hands - BnHA x Reader

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As you can tell, I have chosen a new and very suitable icon to commemorate the publishing of the first of hopefully many BnHA stories. This is just part one, consisting of the three main guys: Midoriya, Bakugou, and Todoroki. I'll get to the rest of the 1-A boys later. Just wanted to publish something now cuz it was already getting too long for one chapter and you guys deserve to read something sooner than later.

Hope you enjoy.

*4/3/18 Edit: Decided to tweak the end of Bakugou's drabble cuz I felt like the characterization was a bit off. Of course you don't have to, but I would actually recommend rereading it. I think the change made the drabble even better than before lol xD.



You pushed back the tears that were welling up in your deep (e/c) eyes, sprinting towards the infirmary where you knew Midoriya Izuku would be resting, body bruised and broken as an aftermath of the severe battle with Todoroki in the U.A. Sports Festival.

God- why did your match have to be right after?

It was killing you that you couldn't just directly check up on him when he was transported in on a stretcher because as soon as his fight concluded, yours had promptly commenced. Apparently he had been rushed into an urgent surgery. Worried to death about your longtime friend, you attempted to finish your skirmish as quickly as possible.

Though you didn't want to allow anything, let alone a mere boy, to affect your education and future as a student at U.A. High School, your anxiety over his condition ended up impacting your performance regardless. It wasn't enough for you to squander the battle, but your technique was sloppy and erratic at best. Definitely an unstable quirk execution that probably turned off some of the higher agencies watching, but that was the least of your concerns at the moment.

You accidentally first slammed into the infirmary door with your entire body before slamming it open into the wall with the force of your desperate shove. You probably should've been mindful of the potential other patients resting in the room, but that had been a second thought, one thought too late.

Recovery Girl, the sweet, but obviously and understandably exasperated old lady, merely pointed to the left, gesturing to that side of the hallway. "He went that way." You nodded copiously, throwing in a few profuse apologies for the damage done to the door which she kindly and oh so mercifully waved off.

Then you continued your trek in that direction, dashing through the hall only to ram into yet another body. His scrawny form felt bony, the jutting edges of his skeletal frame digging into you when you unceremoniously crashed into him. Your head lifted up before you bowed a rigid ninety degrees, shouting, "Sorry, random blond guy that looks like All Might!" He responded audibly by choking on some strange, viscous fluid which might've possibly been blood, but you had paid it no mind, taking off again.

You were worried about this mysterious stranger's emaciated condition, but were currently more preoccupied with Midoriya, deciding that your injured classmate took first priority. You would search for the man again afterwards, hopefully to administer some much needed help/treatment.

Finally, you had fluffy, dark green hair set in your sights and basked in the sudden relief that subsequently washed over your form. Midoriya flinched, stiffly turning around to face the direction of the loud clunking steps headed furiously towards him before relaxing at the familiar vision of you.

You slowed your pace to a trot in order to gather your bearings before reaching his side. Now, with an impressive composure that contrasted starkly against your previous frenzied state, you were able to calmly encounter the presently fragile teen.

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