Chapter 31

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Michelle's POV

Natalie and I just drifted to sleep when my phone started ringing.


Based on the ringtone, it was dispatch and it means, somebody is dead again.

I looked at the clock and it was barley 5 am.

Natalie must have been very exhausted after last night. She was a light sleeper and was the one who wakes me up when my phone rings.

After I proposed, she couldn't stop crying so I kissed her hard to get her mind off it. After making love, she started crying again. And now, she was down.

I slowly detached myself from her and dressed quietly. I then wrote her a note that I was called to a case.

The crime scene was in red district area. I wonder who died.

"Good morning Torres!" My partner greeted me as soon as I got out of my car.

"It's not even a morning yet." I groaned and he handed me a cup of coffee. "Thanks. Who died?"

"I don't know. I just got here but Dr. White should be able to tell us." The medical examiner's van was already parked nearby the alley.

The uniformed police officers checked our credentials before allowing us in. "Good morning detectives!" Dr. White greeted us without looking away from the body.

"How did you always know when we arrived."

"That's for me to know and for you to think about."

"Too early for that doc. So what can you tell us about the body?"

"Found an I.D. You guys should have a hard time on this one. He is a high profile." She then handed me the I.D.

"Austin Mahone!" I said to my partner. "Holy shit! The only heir of the Mahones' industries?" The medical examiner nodded. "This is going to be hard. Everyone in the higher ups will be pressuring us."

Yeah, having a high profile case like this sucks. The more influential the family, the more pressure. We should close this case asap.

"Doc, what's the COD and TOD?"

"Time of death was around midnight to 4 am. I can't see any visible wounds except the bruises on his knuckles and the blow to the head. The fact that it rained earlier might wash of the evidence and by the look of it, he was killed here. I'll know more and I'll be able to tell you the exact time of death after the autopsy." She then looked at her crew. "Bag everything."

Wow! A high profile case... But why do I get the feeling that I know this man.

"Meet you at the precinct partner?" Paul asked and I nodded and he took off.

"It's a shame since I heard that he was engaged last night to the first daughter of the Jauregui's." Dr. White said as she walked towards her car.

Holy shit! Our dead guy was my Natalie's supposed to be fiancé! This ain't good.

Natalie's POV

I woke up in a cold bed. Michelle must have been called in for a case again. Looking at the side table, my assumptions was correct. Goodness! Why people keep on killing other people.

Good thing it was Sunday. I didn't have to deal with work or family.

Looking at my left hand, I can't help but squealed in delight at the diamond engagement ring in my finger. It was simple but it suits me. I wonder how many months' salary did Michelle spent for this.

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