Final Goodbye

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Sorry for the wait, I just temporarily lost interest in this story. I am ending this story here. I hope you readers liked it. Maybe I'll try another Star Wars story but not right now.

Final Goodbye

3rd Person POV  

(Y/n) sat there on the ground wondering what Vader's plans were. Because why would she still be alive if Vader didn't have plans for her. Then he entered the room she was in.

He said, "This is your last chance. (Y/n), join me or die."

(Y/n) said, "I choose death."

"So be it."

Darth Vader put his lightsaber to (Y/n)'s chest. Under the mask was Anakin Skywalker who closed his eyes. Anakin didn't want to see himself kill his dear friend. Then he ignited it.

But there was a clashing sound. A sound like his lightsaber collided with another one. When Vader opened his eyes he saw (Y/n) blocked his attack with the metal bracelet on her arm. He forgot those metal bracelets where stronger than a lightsaber. (Y/n) then kicked the hilt of his lightsaber. His lightsaber flew up into the air. She caught it then kicked Vader in the stomach. He fell backwards onto the ground. When he looked up (Y/n) held his lightsaber to his neck.

She said anger filling her very core, "As much as I want to kill the person who killed Anakin I won't. I won't kill you because I know Anakin is still there. Anakin I'm sorry I left and I'm sorry that I'm leaving you again."

(Y/n) then cut the wall open and ran far away. They never saw each other ever again. 

"Anakin, remember when you promised we'd see each other again? You and I both broke that promise."

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