Chapter 8- We Meet Again

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WoofFrags: Canadian Love


Chapter 8- We Meet Again


~~Unknown POV~~

As they walk around the mall, I slowly follow- not making myself obvious though.

“So, What have you seen?” He said, scaring me.

“Nothing good yet sir. I’ll keep looking though.” I reply.

“No need. I got what we want.” He says, walking out of the mall. I quickly follow, wondering what he has in store for them.

“What do you have sir?” I ask when I catch up to him.

“The one thing we need to make boss happy.” He says, walking towards their car.

“What’s that?” I ask once more.

“I’ll tell you later, but right now, we need to get back to my place.” He says, turning towards me.

“Why sir?” I ask, confused.

“Reasons. But- OH CRAP!” He yells, running back to the mall. I run behind him. He slows to a walk when he enters the food court.

“What’s wrong sir?” I ask.

“They…...They are still here! Stay here Lachlan.” He says to me. I nod, and he walks over to Rob, Preston, Mitch and Jerome. I hear him say something, then Preston stands up suddenly and punches him. I quickly run over, despite his orders.

“Are you working for him too?!” Mitch yells. I slowly nod.

“You bitch. I thought we were friends.” Rob says.

“Exactly. We were. Then he came along.” He says, nodding towards Preston.

“There’s nothing wrong with having more than one friend.” Jerome says.

“You idiot. I never cared that he was friends with Preston, that is until he started ignoring me and never talked to me. Then, a few weeks later he comes up to me and breaks up with me.” He explains.

“So, he met someone he loved, is that so bad? I see you here with Lachlan, who am I to say that you aren’t dating him?” Mitch says.  I blush.

“I-I’m not dating him.” He says, stuttering but still firmly. Does he..?

“Sure, you say that as you stutter.” Mitch replies.

“I-I Well,” He starts, walking away. I follow. We don’t talk, until we get to his car.

“Why did you stutter?” I ask sincerely.

“I-I…..Love you.” He says. My jaw drops in awe.

“I knew it. You hate me now.” He stats.

“No I don’t.” I reply.

“You don’t what?”

“I don’t hate you. In fact, it’s the exact opposite.

“What does that mean?” He asks, tears running down his face.

“I…..I love you too Mat.” I say.  He smiles, and hugs me. I smile and hug him back.

“This still doesn’t mean I don’t want to hurt Rob for breaking my heart…” He says.

“I know.” I reply. He laughs.

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