Chapter 2

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"Mom lets not go there, too soon." Kap said she nodded

"You guys were high school sweethearts right?" I ask they smile and each other and smile

"And you two were college sweethearts right?" His dad asks I nod

"Thats so cute how'd you guys meet? Was at one of those famous frat party?"

"Well sort of the story is pretty wierd."

"Yeah it's pretty funny." Kap said

"Well please tell us." Theresa said

"Alright well yes we were at a frat party and I may have had 1 too many drinks and with the dancing I was about to puke so I ran up stairs and as I was I stumbled and was about to fall I felt two hands steady me. I looked up and he gave me a charming smile he said 'Hey" I was about to say something back but then--"

"Then she puked on my shoes." Kap said interrupting me

"Yeah I got so embarrassed I ran out."

"I tried to follow her but she got more speed than me and got lost in the crowd." He said

"All that went through my mind was "Oh my god I just puked on a really cute guy's shoes." I say making them laugh

"But then we met again." Kap said smiling

"Yes I was at the bookstore buying my new books for the new semester and as I was walking down the stairs this idiot bumped into me and my books fell down the rest of the stairs I was so mad and I ran down to get some. Then this really tall dude covered in tattoos came up to me with the rest of the books and he was like "I think you dropped something." All I thought was ugh look at this smartass." I say looking at kap he smiled

"But she still hadn't recognized me from the night before, so then I looked down at her and was like "Aren't you that one girl from the party?" And she went red and nodded slowly."

"Then it all came back to me and I didn't even want to talk to him or look at him, I thought he was gonna make fun but he didn't." I say smiling

"But what I actually said was "Did you get home alright?" She smiled and all I could think was how cute she was with her red nose because it was cold and her smile was just beyond beautiful." He said making me blush like crazy

"Yeah then he asked me if I wanted to get coffee. I remember thinking 'Oh hell no I have no idea who this guy is and what he could do' But something else in me was screaming out to me say yes idiot so I said yes."

"We ended up talking for like 3 hours." He said smiling

"We talked about school and how he had a football scholarship for football and I was getting my master degree for being an RN. It was funny that we were both gonna graduate on the same time thats how we met at the graduation right?" I asked looking at his parents who nodded at me

"Yup so we finished school I got drafted and we moved in here and well you know the rest." He said smiling at me

"Wow you two have a beautiful story." His mom said

"Take out the puking and it would have been perfect." I say laughing

"Definitely." Kap agreed with me. We finished talking and I cleaned up Theresa offered to help but I said I had it

"Kap why don't you take your parents to your practice?" I ask finishing cleaning the dishes

"That sounds like a great idea." His dad said getting ready to go

"No i should stay here and help you clean and cook." His mom said

"No it's fine I got you go it cheer him on." I smiled

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