Part One/"Preparation"

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"Alright, one more time, okay?" Rose's voice snapped me away from my daydreams.

"W-what?" I asked wearily, rubbing my eyes.

"Sophie!" Rose exclaimed in exasperation. "If you want to nail this audition you have to work for it!"

Straightening, I shuffled the papers strewn in front of me. My heart was sinking. Auditions for Hamlet  were tomorrow and I knew I was screwed. I loved theater- musicals and plays gave me a tingly exhilaration that couldn't compare to anything else I knew of. I was a pretty decent actor but put me in front of my peers and I froze up. I'd been preparing for weeks for this audition and I was actually fairly confident I'd land a decent role. Maybe even a lead, if I had a little bit of luck! With renewed vigor, I began to read the monologue I would be auditioning with. "I am not of your world... but I know of you..." 

I am not of your world... Well, I could relate. Being the smart, geeky, quiet girl in middle school often made me feel as though a veil separated me from everyone else. I didn't mind though. I felt much more at home cosplaying at Comic-Cons than I ever did in jeans and a hoodie at school. Still, it did feel odd at times, drifting through the halls as though I were an invisible ghost. On stage I felt empowered. I felt energized- I knew my lines and what I needed to do. I could escape my life for a few hours, merging with a new character. 

Not that I didn't like my life. I loved it! I loved my personality- it switched from shy to bubbly to excited as fast as an incoming summer rainstorm. I loved my jack russel- beagle mix puppy, Skylar, and my freakishly supportive friends. But I was always aware my looks weren't enough to impress anyone and my confidence left something to be desired. As a result I always relied on tact, intelligence, and politeness to win my battles. Who needs skill when you have brains and courtesy?

Unfortunately, at an audition, brains and courtesy don't count for much. Groaning, I sunk back into my chair. It was going to be a long day of preparation.

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