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archers Today I spent my birthday with my dog, sleep, my cool new friend, and some pre-school reading

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archers Today I spent my birthday with my dog, sleep, my cool new friend, and some pre-school reading. I feel like a adult? Class starts tomorrow, and I'm in New York. Weird? Apparently American Thanksgiving was yesterday, so happy late White Man's day!


( tagged: mysweetdog )

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camgreenwald no picture credits? alright cool, i see how it is?

archers camgreenwald Can't give you what you dON'T DESERVE.

camgreenwald We've only been neighbors for two weeks and you're already the bane of my existence.

savingthebeas camgreenwald Try living with him. For 19 years...

arrogantaris cool idc when can i come and visit?

archers arrogantaris Right now, I miss my baby brother.


savingthebeas Don't come back.

archers savingthebeas I'll be back next month for Christmas??

savingthebeas thank god

archers savingthebeas I FUCKING SAW THAT

dayumleeyum Fuck outta here with your Ew York Lifestyle. Go back to your country fool. (Please come back Canada misses you.)

archers my older brother and sister everyone ^

rheawalker Adulting gets way cooler, I promise.

archers rheawalker I dunno Ri, this whole sleeping thing is pretty entertaining to me. 🤔

user75 i thought his birthday was two weeks ago?

savingthebeas user75 nah, it's today, we threw him a party because we knew whatever college he would be going to would be outta good ole canada!

finnwolfhardofficial don't spread the word but i miss you

archers finnwolfhardofficial MISS YOU TOO LOVE BUG

uncle_jezzy You're so fucking adorable. ❤️

archers uncle_jezzy Daily reminder: You're the light of my life.

gatenm123 I've waited forever for this day?? ^

user90 we all need to bow down to gaten he is the #1 jatlas shipper ??

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