01- The Awakening

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For most of my life or all, I kept to myself. I didn't socialize, but I prioritized. I am very analytical and highly critical. I am sure of myself and my decisions. I am strategical, and burdened by disorganization. I am always certain, and well........
I am certain that I am a sociopath or psychopath.

I have never had a sense of humor such as others. I don't feel- I can't. Once, I even stuck my hand in the deep fryer to see if I would feel something. I have killed countless animals, such as bugs, little dogs, rats, rabbits, and many more.
Would you believe that I remember everyone of them?

Well today I will move on to much bigger prey. Today I will kill someone.

As I sat alone in the noisy cafeteria, I analyzed and processed every single person. I have no desire to be here. School is beneath me, but it is a great place for selection.

I looked and looked for my desired pick. There was none, sadly. Just as I was about to give up hope, there she was. Absolutely breathtaking she was.

Golden hair with silver streaks, fare skin that looked soft to touch. Then she smiled and I knew it was her.

She is the one.

I was caught off guard as she began to approach me.

"Hi", she said greeting me with a warm smile.

I have to play it cool if I want her to trust me. I can't mess this up. She is too much of the perfect target to loose.

"Hello", I replied to her matching her friendly aura. Then she sat down, and her scent of sweet French tulips wrapped around my senses. Although, this could have not fallen together more perfectly, I am still curious as to why she sat here so easily.

"So.......", She began awkwardly. I nodded gesturing for her to proceed.
"I'm new, and you're alone so I thought-

"Enough said", I cut her off.

She let out a sigh of relief, and I smirked at her obvious nervousness. For the rest of lunch we talked and shared jokes and past experiences. We even planned to meet up to study tonight. I almost could not believe how good things were falling together. Such a nice girl, but too bad this is going to be her last day alive.

The day went by quickly as I plotted and thought of ways I could kill her. She seemed like a sweet girl, so maybe I won't do it slowly; quick and painless? Maybe.

Then I will leave the body in the forest so it wouldn't be traced back to me.

My father had already left for work, and the moon was out in all of its glory. It is time now. I watched as she sat on my bed and giggled as she read my comics.

I can no longer resist.

"Come, I want to show you something", I held her hand leading her to the backyard. The night air was cold and bitter. She sighed into the cold night air, her breath visible.

It was just us- alone, and only the stars above us. I held her hand in mine. She turned as red as a tomato even in the dark.
My next hand, hidden behind my back gripping the sharp blade. I yanked her towards me, and she giggled. I dipped her suddenly receiving a gasp. We stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever.

"You're beautiful", I said honestly, and she blushed once more in my arms. Unexpectedly and skillfully, I plunged the blade deep into her back. Her eyes widened at my betrayal. Her scream was strangled and quickly faded. I smiled in satisfaction as I watched the life drain from her eyes. Her eyes closed as her small frame went limp in my arms.

I did it. I finally did it.

My first kill.

A feeling of satisfaction washed over me. Of course- for certain this would be a day I would never ever forget.
I was so hyped writing this guys.
There is nothing wrong with using references from a different criteria as long as I don't take ownership over it.
This story was based off of the perception of one of my favorite actors Alex Lawther in his show,


I absolutely adore that show and all off its actors. It is brilliant and hilarious. I enjoyed writing this little short story. So thank you guys for all of your support and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it.
Don't forget to vote and comment.

XOXO Bye!!

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