Chapter 15 |~| Life

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"Do you want to get out of here?" Looking up in shock you connect your eyes with those of a skylit blue. With Mika's


















Mika said those words 4 years ago. This plan has been 4 years in the making. The plan for you to escape and got back to the one that you cherish. Yuu. Still chained to the rusted cage wall you wait. Wait for the signal that will cause panic and allow enough cover for you to break your shackles and walk unnoticed through the halls that the vampire roam. Hearing a loud explosion you immediately pull your bound hands out of the cuffs. Shattering them into small piece as they fall onto a glowing white cloth. Picking the cloth up, you shakes away the dust and debris. Wrapping the cloth around your figure, pulling the hood over your head you solemnly walk out of the throne room. Leaving the taunting cage in a dismal. continuing to walk the cloak encasing your figure you walk to the area that is of most importance to you a large bridge. Standing in the centre of it you throw a large grey capsule into the air landing in the buildings below you. The capsule combusting and exploding before it hits the ground. Watching from above, you watch as fangs in white swarm the area, "protecting" the live stock along with their own interests. Walking away before your current location is to be notice, walking towards cavern. Entering the rocky room you make your way silently to through to a much larger room. The ceiling bright and blue, the walls elegant and smooth, walking alone the blue marbled floor, your shoes tapping as you walk. Stopping half way in the room, in plain sight you smell something that was once sweet, but now, musky. Walking towards the elegance steps that lay before your figure you kneel down towards the first step. Running your finger along the crevice edge, lifting it to old, dried blood sitting on your skin.

"It's mine." Turning to look up at the figure overshadowing you.

"Sorry?" You respond to the boy you now easily call Mika. And now your family.

"Back when I tried to escape with my family. I told you about how it became a vampire. It was then that I did." Mika replies back blankly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to dig up buried memories."

"It is fine lets just hurry up and get out of here before they notice that we have disappeared." Mika gestures you towards the large exit way. Ascending the staircase you drop the cloak.

"Better let them have this." You mumble in discuss. Shifting your weight from one leg to another you walk as the beautiful ceiling faded to jagger rock. As you continue to walk with the boy Mika you see a light at the end of the tunnel. Soft light from the sun, its blissful, sweetness shining out the darkness. As you get closer your speed slowly gains. Getting faster and faster. Until. You are finally free. Standing in the light of the sun, the sweetness of the fresh air and the sound of animals as they scurry around. Taking in a breath of the fresh air. Something you have not breathed in a long time. Mika stands next to your figure, his hair gently moving as the wind blows. Your hair only slightly matted and damaged from the 4 years of imprisonment. Walking towards an unknown location, but a place that you felt that you needed to go to. The Boundary Wall. Mika trails behind you like a ghost as you walk aimlessly. To the area that the humans occupied, where they slept, ate and pretended to give a crap about your and your existence.

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