Chapter 7 |~| Runaway?

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Once you get back to HQ everyone stares at you with concern.
"What did that vampire mean, by Runaway?" Asks Kimizuki.
"You know how I told you I was held in one of the vampire's camps, well one of them took a interest in me. They wanted me to be their pet. That piece of shit Ferid. But before anything could happen the Demon Army came and destroyed the camp. But that fucking Noble got away. I'm going to find him one day and he's going to know what it feels like to be treated like someone's pet!" You slam your fist down on the table that all of you are sitting around. Everyone looks at you with stern faces.
"One more thing before we all head back to the dorms. How are your injuries going (y/n)?" Ask Shinoa.
"There okay the pains gone now, so you guys don't have to worry about me." You state as you roll and crack your right shoulder. Everyone gets up and leaves the small room except Yuu. He sits there still in his dark wooden chair. The two of you sit in bitter silence before one of you speaks.
"Hey Yuu, you okay?" You ask with a soft concerning voice.
"Yeah it's just that same vampire Ferid, he is the one that took my family away from me, my whole family even Mika." You stares at his hand balled up into a fist.
"Look like that runt has taken something from the both of us. Your family and my humanity." Yuu looks at your now standing figure.
"Don't let that Noble stop you, fight and one day we will kill him. Together." You place a hand on Yuu's shoulder, not looking down at his confused yet series face. You take your hand off his shoulder and leave the room, heading in the direction of the dorms.
"Wait (f/n). (F/n) WAIT!"  You turn your figure and face the now out of breath Yuu.
"What did you mean by he took your humanity away from you?" Questions Yuu.
"Don't worry about it, it's none of your concern." You turn away from him and start to walk again. Yuu stands in the middle of the hallway confused and out of breath. You just leave him there, you are already punishing yourself for speaking those words to him. The words that could possible end your life. The world that could reveals who you really are. Annoyed and loathing yourself for your actions you head to your dorm and put on your patterned legging, black and white runners, black sports bra and white tank top on. Leaving your weapons behind you head down to the sparing arena. You need to hit something, more so hit someone. You needed to fight to let your anger out. After making your way through the training rooms you enter the sparing arena. You watch the fight going on in front of you on the sparing mats.
"Hey Guren, looks like your back and okay." Guren looks up at you only to get punched in the face by his crazy smoker teammate Norito. You burst out laughing.
"Hey this isn't funny (f/n)!" Shout Guren and he gets up and rubs his now bright red cheek.
"Well maybe not to you, but it sure as hell is to me!" You continue laughing. Guren starts to get annoyed.
"Don't make me pummel you into the ground (f/n)." Glares Guren. You stop laughing.
"So what are you doing here, I though you had a mission?" Ask Guren
"Yeah we did we came but no to long ago, it was just a couple of fangs and a noble, not a major deal." You say waving to Guren's squad. Guren turns to his squad and orders them to take a break and go have something to eat. They leave all waving goodbye to you and Guren. You smile at them as they leave.
"So what's up kid. You look like you want to pummel me into the ground?" Ask Guren.
"I do." You glare at him fiercely. He gets into stance as you step on the mats. You stand aimlessly at the edge of the mat as Guren runs up to you to throw a punch. You bend backward doing a walk over dodging his attack. Guren spins around and tries to trip you up. You again bend backwards but into a back flip. Guren gets up and swings a punch, you grab it with your hand. He throws another, you put your arm up in a block.
"So what has gotten you so worked up?" Ask Guren with a grunt.
"That stupid Nobel from the mission today fucking knew me, Ferid is out looking for me." You speak angrily, holding Guren back. You push Guren backwards and swing a kick to his side you then punch him in the chest. He grunts as he falls to the ground. Guren gets back up quickly and block your incoming attack.
"Well it looks like we are going to have to get you ready then?" You slip and Guren punches you in the side, you fall to the ground and slide out from under him by flipping, as he goes to hit you while you are down.
"Ready for what?" You ask getting back in your stance.
"We. . . . Have . . A huge . . . . Mission. . . About to . . . . Get underway in . . . Two . . Months.." says Guren in between your attacks. You stop attacking and allow Guren to catch his breath and explain.
"We are putting a huge scale mission underway in two months and your squad has been enlisted to be on the front line, you are to scout and protect our main forces." Says Guren. He soon finds himself on the ground on his stomach. You had punched him in the face while he was talking and now you are on top of him holding his hands behind his back.
"Good, I've been in need to a decent mission, it's about time that they get a new district under our control again." You say still on top of Guren. You get up off him and help him up.
"We will be trying to get Shinjuku back. It has been a battle ground for to long and we need to take some ground back from the fangs." Guren wipes the sweat off his face with the back of his hand.
"And if our intel is right, some nobles will be on the area and Ferid is somewhere in the vicinity, so your squad is also in charge of getting the jump on him." Smirks Guren. You smile please with what Guren has said.
"Let me guess, you are just letting my squad get Ferid on your own order, right ha?" You smirk. Guren smirks back.
"We done here, cause I'm in need of food." Says Guren as he walks off the mats.
"Yeah, I'll come with you, it's been a while since we've just hung out."
"Yeah, I guess we can." You smile a Guren, genuinely smile. You grab a towel off Guren and wipe your face. You throw it back at him. At his face. You smile and the two of you laugh. You make your way to the cafeteria. Grabbing food the two of you sit down and talk. Talking like you used to. Laughing, joking. You start to get nostalgic.
"How long have the two of you been sitting here?" Asks Shinya.
"Haha it been a while." You smile to Shinya. He sits down next to Guren and joins your conversation, talking about all the fun times that the three of you had.
"(FFFFF/NNNNNN)!!!" Is all you hear before Yoichi jumps on you and hugs you from behind.
"What are you guys doing here?" You ask your squad.
"We came to get some food and saw you three talking and decided to come over." Says Kimizuki.
"So what have you guys been up to?" Asks Mitsuba as they all sit down at the table. Yuu sits next to you.
"Nothing really, just been talking to Guren and Shinya it's been a while since we've had a chat." You explain.
"Hey Guren!" Shouts a husky voice. It's Norito, the neighbourhood smoker. Guren's squad appears behind him.
"Hey guys fancy meeting you here. And look at this (f/n) is he the one you have been complaining about to the head seamstress? He's pretty cute you know." Laughs Norito. You blush.
"Look at them their both blushing." Norito smiles and carries on like a fangirl. You look at Yuu and his cheeks are dusted red. You get up and walk over to Norito. You pull his ponytail and put him in a head lock. But his head up against your back.
"Ohh (f/n), I don't you put me in a proper head lock, you know where my face is right up against your boo." You tighten you hold on Notori. Yuu gets up from his chair and is about to but in, before he could say anything Guren slaps Norito in the face.
"Don't talk to (f/n) like that, you perv." Grumbles Guren.
"It's okay Guren I'm just having some fun. Hey (f/n) can you let me go your all sweaty and stick, it's starting to burn my nose."
"Good." You let go of Norito and walk back to your seat and sit down.
"You need to stop being a perv to (f/n), Norito you might wake up taped to the main buildings roof." Says Shinya.
"Yeah Norito or I might even tape you up their shirtless, so when they get you down and ripe all the tape off, you will finally know how a girl feels when she gets her legs waxed." You threaten. Norito freezes.
"Don't you touch my chest hair." Norito start to cry like a baby. Everyone starts to laugh. Everyone starts to chat with everyone but it's a little hard to hear since you are being so joyfully loud.
"Hey Yuu." Kimizuki nudges Yuu with his elbow
"It's is just me or does (f/n) look really cute when she's happy?" Whispers Kimizuki. Yuu looks at you and smiles, his eyes focusing on you, and only you.
"Yeah she does." Mumbles Yuu. Everyone sits at the table talking till late in the evening. You even fall asleep at the table it was that late, but so does Guren. Norito and Shinya both pick up the sleepy Guren and take him back to his room/office. Before any if your squad could even think about helping you to your room, Yuu had picked you up. One arm holding you back the other under you knees, with your head leaning against his chest. Yuu leaves the cafeteria with you in his arms while the rest of your squad goes to their dorms. Yuu looks down at your peaceful sleeping face. He smiles softly. With some difficulty he open your door. He lays you softly down on your bed, placing your fragile head on the soft, white pillow. Yuu takes off your runners. He picks them up and walks over to the wardrobe. Opening it he places your shoes with the others. He notices a small tub full of glass tubes, with a small drop of red liquid inside one. Yuu has confusion written all over his face. You grunt in your sleep gaining his attention. He closes your wardrobe and walks to the door. He turns to see you lying on your side part of your tank was pulled down revealing your lower back. Yuu blushes at the sight of the revealed area. He then has confusion again written on his face.
"Wasn't she injured earlier?" He mumbles aloud. You leaves your room, puzzled.
"How could her injuries heal so quickly her Demon couldn't have done all that, could it?" He questions himself as he walks to his own dorm.

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