Chapter 6: Relocating

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          We began to head Straight into the forest. Felix leading in the front, TJ and Ken about 3 steps behind him, Cry behind all three of them, Marzia, Olga, and myself following. Each day was about 15 miles walking, until we found an abandoned pick up truck on the sixth day. TJ, Ken and Felix sat in the trunk checking for any close buildings with some electricity or any immortal werewolves. The car was smelly, even with the window broken. We got so far across the border, we finally found a hotel.

        We all took a room with one king sized bed. Marzia and Felix took room 2 which was the cleanest. TJ and Olga took room 4, Ken of course got his own room. Cry and I took room 6. Smelling of blood and rotten food but that was all we could get. No one complained. That same night we heard something else in the hotel. We all thought it was Ken because he would sometimes scream in his sleep. But we didn't here screaming. We headed down to the lobby in the front of the apartment building. Lights flickered, floors creaked, and noises. We all split up. "Ken do you mind if you go alone?" Ken turned and replied to him.

"Yeah I'm fine. Don't go too far guys. The buildings huge!" After Ken's gave us his little warning, me and Cry headed up stairs to the third floor look in the cleaning room for any supplies for Marzia. Since she was going with Felix to see if anyone was here. Marzia would make medicine out of anything. Even cleaning supplies would help. We got to the door and I quickly said "You go first." I put my finger on my nose and stood there smiling.

"I HATE that game. I always lose!" I laughed. Opening the door we saw nothing but spider webs and mops. They still had water in them but man did it smell. " we heard someone coming up stairs and quickly got into the closet. The man walked right by the door. Cry was holding me and covering my mouth so I wouldn't scream. Cry whispered to me "Wait is that Ken?" Ken heard us and opened the door and yelled with sarcasm "Hi love birds!" We got out of the closet and headed back to lobby when someone screamed. "That sounded like Olga." I exclaimed very worried.



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