Wake up Call to reality - 17

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Colton's P.O.V

It has been two weeks, and every time I walk into the room I get hit with grief when I see her eyes closed. It pains me to see her pale face, wrapped up with a ton of bandage around her head. Her face looks calm, tranquil. Almost like light of an angel pouring out of her lifeless face. Not even the paleness can obscured the deep serene on her fragile appearance.

I had many questions swimming in my head about her condition. The doctors had explained that Serene had an open head surgery, there was bleeding in the skull cavity that was surgically removed by repairing the bleeding vessels as well as the skull fractures. There was extensive swelling and damaged brain tissue, a portion of it was removed to make room for the living brain tissue, whatever the hell that was.

When doctor Miller was explaining half of the stuff to me I was lost with the 90 percent of the medical terms he used, getting me so frustrated as I already was. He had explained that the coma was beneficial as it was a bad news. It was good that it gave some time for the swelling to go away and have her head get recovered while she's unconscious. The bad news was that we didn't know when she would wake up and if it took long enough, the nerves in her brain can slow down and eventually she wouldn't respond to treatments which would result in for the doctors to pull the plug.

Those exact last few words came out of the doctor's mouth and in that moment I felt my heart crack like concrete below the boiling hot anger, getting ready to erupt.

And right then and there I did.

I grabbed Miller from his crisp white collared jacket, gritting my teeth so hard that I thought they would chip. I looked him in the eye, and I promised him If he let anything happen to Serene, that I would pull a plug on his life, so he better not disappoint me.

That threat was unfair to him but at this point I didn't care about anything but my wife's health. I was just beyond hurt and I couldn't even let the thought sink in about losing Serene like that. Her being away from me is the worst feeling ever but its tolerable compared to losing her forever so I was praying to god every minute she wakes up and I get to see her hazel eyes the same way I once saw. Bright and full of life. Not closed and hidden from the world.

Everyone had came over right after I told the news to Alex about Serene, this time he didn't stay quiet and informed everyone about it. Which I am happy about. I kind of feel sorry for the dreading and scary moment Alex had to go through with Henry.

When Henry walked into the I.C.U waiting room, he was wearing the same look that was familiar to me; his lips were formed in a frown and his eyes were red and swollen from crying, but as soon as he saw me his lips formed into a thin line, and he walked away looking for Dr. Miller.

I filled Alex and my dad in on every thing about what the doctor had said, briefly. Til' this day we have been just waiting for her to peel her eyes open. The clock was ticking in my brain like a ticking time bomb. Making me anxious and drown in sorrow day by day.

Only one patient at a time was allowed in the room, so I was spending most of the time with her especially the nights. I was currently in the room, sitting on the chair beside her thinking about the time when she wakes up, and how she will react.

Will she even remember anything at all?

Will she deny me or accept me?

My conscious scoffed. I inhaled and grabbed the roots of my hair to stop the impossible thoughts.

Will she ever even wake up?

Exhaling a shaky breathe I get up in haste, and start pacing. I am angry at myself for even thinking about such spine-chilling thought. She is strong and she can fight through anything. I know she will wake up and it will be soon. I had my full faith in her.

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