Chapter 1

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Harry's POV:

After the defeat of the Dark Lord, my scar vanished. It's a relief; now people can see me as just Harry, not some legendary hero. I still remember the day Hagrid revealed to me that I was a wizard.

At first, I couldn't believe it, having been raised by the Dursleys—a Muggle family consisting of my Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and cousin Dudley. I used to reside in the cupboard under the stairs. Not that I'm complaining, they did take me in and care for me, but they could've treated me a bit more like a human being.

A Muggle, as you know, is a non-magical person.

With the Dursleys, I was practically invisible.

But now, I'm living with my best friend from Hogwarts, Ron Weasley.

Hogwarts is a magical boarding school where young witches and wizards learn their craft. It was founded by four esteemed wizards and witches: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Each founder represented a different aspect of personality they sought to cultivate in their students.

We leave the house known as The Burrow and head to Platform Nine and Three-Quarters at King's Cross Station in London. This platform, concealed by magic between the Muggle Platform Nine and Platform Ten, is where Hogwarts students board the Hogwarts Express every September first to begin the school year.

As we enter the crowded carriages, I notice many familiar faces. Among them, I spot Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom sharing a private moment.

Luna and Neville, with their distinctive personalities, never quite seemed to fit in at Hogwarts, but the recent events have changed them profoundly.

It feels like everyone has changed, including me. I feel like a different person now.

I can't help but wonder how Hogwarts looks after the battle.

Returning to school won't be easy.

Dumbledore's death still weighs heavily on my heart...

He wasn't just my headmaster; he was my friend. Despite keeping many secrets from me, I now understand his intentions were always for the greater good.

I'm unsure who the current headmaster is, but I doubt anyone can fill Dumbledore's shoes adequately.

"Hey, Harry!"

Hermione joins Ron and me in the carriage, planting a kiss on both of us—on Ron's lips and my cheek.

Ron and Hermione became a couple after the battle.

I've mostly been alone, occasionally spending time with Ginny, trying to catch up on my studies from last year. It wasn't the ideal time for learning.

"I've missed you so much! How was your summer? I spent mine trying to find a cure for the curse I accidentally put on my parents last year. And guess what? I finally found it!" Hermione exclaims.

"That's fantastic news, Hermione! You're brilliant," Ron says, smoothly kissing her.

"I didn't do much, just trying to catch up on last year's studies," I interject.

Whenever I'm with Ron and Hermione, I can't shake the feeling of being the third wheel.

Always on the outside looking in.

Suddenly, Draco appears in our carriage.

I haven't spoken to him since Voldemort's defeat, and he doesn't look like his former self.

He's transformed into a handsome young man, with a new haircut and stature. There's a different look in his eyes.

Surprisingly, he smiles.

"Potter, can I have a word with you?" he begins.

"What do you want with him, you—" Ron starts.

"It's okay; I'll be back in a moment," I assure him.

Overprotective Ron, as always.

But what does Draco want from me?

I saved his life in the Room of Requirement, and all he did was flee during the battle...

Such a coward.

I risked everything for him, and he abandoned me.

"I'm here to apologize for acting the way i did last year."

Can he read my thoughts?

"You saved my life. I could've died there.

Despite everything I've done to you, you chose to save me. Why?"

Why did I save him?

Maybe I see a better side to him.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, Draco, but I think you deserve a chance.

The past is behind us. We can either forget it or carry it with us forever."

Did I just forgive Draco Malfoy?

Maybe it's Molly Weasley's influence on me.

"I don't know what to say.

I'm still shocked you didn't let me die in there."

"Just say thank you; that's enough."

We share a laugh, and I notice him heading to an empty carriage.

"Hey, do you want company? Why are you alone?" I ask.

"I don't mind. Goyle left school, and I don't have anyone else to sit with. But you can join your friends."

"Who? The lovebirds? No, thanks."

I can't believe I said that. Yes, Ron and Hermione's relationship bothers me, but i never said it out loud, and definitely not to anyone.

"Really? What about Ginny? Weren't you two together?"

I can't believe I'm having a normal conversation with Draco Malfoy.

"We broke up. It wasn't love, you know? There was something missing. That spark. We were more infatuated than anything else. I can't quite explain it. But I knew it wouldn't last.

She kissed Dean Thomas two months ago, thinking I wouldn't find out. But George is always there, spying on everyone. When I confronted her, she said it was a mistake. How can you accidentally kiss someone?

Besides, I felt like a distraction. She wasn't focusing on her studies, and I didn't want to be the reason for her failures.

We spoke about it and she agreed. So I guess it's over."

"That's tough. Do you still have feelings for her?"

"Not really. It's... complicated."

Am I really discussing girls with Draco Malfoy? Girls?

Without hexes and insults?

Maybe miracles do happen.

Who knows? Perhaps we could actually become friends?

At least it would be a welcome break from constantly feeling left out around Ron and Hermione.

"We'll be arriving at Hogwarts any minute now. Let's change into our robes."

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