Chapter 4

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Yay, update time! I hope ya'll enjoy the chapter!

Percy was falling; falling into the pit again. Tartarus chuckling in the background, "I knew you'd come back young prince of wolves."

Pain and fear made his heart erratic his wolf was being pulled from him slowly and painfully. Only certain tribes or packs had the capability of tearing a wolf or animal form from an individual. A ritual so grueling it was barely heard of, only a myth now to scare young pups from acting out.

Percy screamed and thrashed trying to keep the side of him that was his true self, the free and wild spirit. Annabeth screaming in the background. When he went to open his eyes to see the shape of his wolf fade away into nothing but instead he awoke to a dark room that smelled slightly familiar but still new. The door opened and Tony and Steve came running in. His skin burned and his bones began to ache as the urge to shift was so strong.

"Percy? Is everything okay?"

"It was just a dream" he whispered, mostly to himself. He stood pacing, his nails piercing his palms to help ground him. Nothing was working, the dream had felt so real. So real that he could still feel the pain of his wolf being torn away from him.

"Hey, kid, you're safe. It was just a dream."

He pushed Steve back, "you need to stay back," between each word he growled. He groaned and shifted unable to stop himself. Percy backed himself into the corner growling with a warning to stay away. His ears were pinned back eyes wild, not human.

Steve and Tony backed away giving Percy space. He wasn't as large as he was when they were fighting which only made Tony have more questions as to how he was able to change forms and control the size. Tony and Steven slowly left the room and closed the door with a soft click.

"It must have been some nightmare," Steve said.

Tony knew all too well, almost hurting Piper when he had his nightmares about space, the never-ending darkness. "He said he's been to war. Maybe that was what the dream was about. Hey, Friday."

"Yes, Mr. Stark?"

"Notify me if Percy has another nightmare. Keep track of his heart rate for any signs of a panic attack."

"Sure thing Mr. Stark."

"Night, cap."

"Night Tony." Steve began to rethink placing Percy by Bruce. Both of them were ticking time bombs in the avengers' tower or building. They seemed to bounce back and forth between two buildings whenever they felt was right. Now, New York was where they should be. Wonda and Vision have gone back to HQ to stay in place to keep the public outcry down.

Percy awoke curled in between the wall and bed. The curtains slowly opened letting more light in. He stretched and stood only then realizing he was still in his wolf form. He shifted and groaned as his back popped in several places. He moved his hand in front of his face making it shift only partially and it went back to human fingers. Good, the nightmare was just a nightmare. He had control and still had his wolf. He ran his hand through his hair he could feel the slight tough against the walls he had put up to keep Annabeth from feeling his fear. She must have known because that soft touch through the bond made his fear and panic disappear.

Shut me out again and I will gut you.

Percy chuckled through the bond. Consider me warned, again.

I love you Seaweedbrain

I love you too Wisegirl.

His stomach growled and he quietly entered the kitchen downstairs only to find Steve and Tony dead asleep with cups of coffee. He had woken them up from his dream and they had stayed up in case he had another nightmare. He felt bad to have woken them. Tony was surrounded by messy notes that looked complicated. The only reason they caught Percy's eye was his name scribbled on it. He knew Tony was just dying for answers even though Percy scared him a bit from his scent.

Percy the Son of Lupa and Lycaon part twoWhere stories live. Discover now