Chapter 3

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Percy kept tapping his foot while the elevator took them to the Avengers floor. Tony kept opening his mouth and closing it as if he was struggling to say something.

"You can ask me anything if you want. You, mortals, are so weird in asking questions."

"Right, well I want to know what happens to your clothes when you, you know turn into a giant wolf."

Percy shrugged. "I don't know actually. I just think about it and I turn back with clothes on. It makes it easier in combat I guess. You'll have to ask my friend Leo, he made my armor that can shift with me."

"How do you do it? Were you like bitten by something?" Percy smiled at his curiosity, it reminded him of Annabeth. Speaking of which, he'll have to tell her he's okay. He sent his whereabouts to her and let her know that he was safe.

"I was born. It'll be easier to explain to everyone instead of repeating myself."


Spider-man, aka, Peter Parker was currently attending school. It seemed pointless to Percy for the human's young to go to school and learn about the world instead of experiencing it for themselves. Annabeth loved school and keeps begging him to join her in her classes. Maybe one day he would and finally learn why school meant so much to her.

Clint rubbed his face, "so you are telling me, that there are other gods than the Asgardians? And that you, are Lupa's, the Roman wolf goddess's only son?"

"Don't forget that I was raised by Artemis and Poseidon seemed to like me so he basically adopted me."

The Avengers all sat at the large dining table bewildered as they listened to Percy explain who and what he was. "Poseidon came to me and said that I will need you guys because something big is coming and knowing my luck it's probably another saving the world war." War. He was beginning to hate that word. After the giant war, he wasn't the same. Nightmares plagued his dreams and were so bad that he has begun to sleep in his wolf form, curled up against the corner in his cabin.

"You've been to war?" Steve asked.

Percy sighed, "Two actually, I don't really want to talk about it. I basically led both of them."

"I'm sorry, it must have been rough at such a young age. I remember when I was a soldier."

Percy looked at his hands, "yeah, it was." Percy then went on to explain everything that led up to where he was now, except he left out how terrible Tartarus was. He tried to down play the worst part of his life. The nightmares made him shift in fear and had hurt Annabeth before he turned her. The scar was still on her arm from his bite.
"Now, do you have any questions?"

They all stared with blank expressions. Percy knew it was a lot to take in, talk about information overload. Tony cleared his throat, "this mist, what exactly is it?"

Percy paused, he never thought too much about the mist. "Well, the goddess Hectate has control over it and it basically creates an illusion so that my world is hidden from you mortals. The gods must stay hidden, if their secret got out again we could be looking at a world war or even worse. So you must keep this secret." Percy felt like he couldn't stress it enough at keeping the world changing secret. Sure yes, they know gods existed due to Thor but the monsters needed to stay myths.

"I have a question. Why do you turn into a wolf so easily and then last night it was different?" Banner asked. Concern was written all over his face as if he was reliving watching the footage.

"It is the curse. My dad is actually Lycaon who was the first werewolf to be created. It was supposed to be a punishment but now, he embraces it."

After several hours of questions and Percy having to answer them all the pizza arrived. It smelled heavenly. Percy scarfed down a whole pizza by himself, "this human food is amazing! What is it?"

Percy the Son of Lupa and Lycaon part twoWhere stories live. Discover now