t w e l v e

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After about another hour of Henry and I either making out or just holding each other, we had to eventually separate. He went back to his dad's house and I went to my own. When I reached the house, it was about two in the afternoon so I decided to try and get a hold of Richie again.

After checking on my mom (she was still passed out, not surprisingly), I dialed the number. "Hello?" Richie's voice answered.

"Richie Rich, trash-mouth Tozier, it's-"

"Taylor!" He yelled through the phone. "Where have you been?!"


He interrupted me, "No, nevermind, forget that. Taylor, you're not even going to believe what the hell happened after you left yesterday!"

"Wait, Richie, slow down, what happened?" I stood there, listening to Richie explain everything that happened. How the clown came through the projector, then when they went to the house on Neibolt street, and lastly how everyone got into that huge fight and Bill punched him.

I could barely even process any words after hearing it all, "Holy jeepers fucking creepers." Was all that I could say. "So, what're we gonna do?"

"I'm not doing anything except hope and pray for the best."

"C'mon, Richie..."

"No, Tay. I'm not trying to die anytime soon, and neither should you. You either stand with me or against me with them."


"With or against, Taylor."

"Richie, I- I don't wanna talk about this anymore. I'll call you in the morning, okay?"

He answered me by hanging up the phone with a ring sound. I let out a sigh and hung up. This was too much to handle in one day.

.  .  .  .  .

I spent the rest of the day thinking about everything that had happened. I finally get the one good thing that I've wanted for a long time to happen, just to have another terrible thing come along.

I felt like just crying. Crawling into a corner and just bawling. Everything is just too overwhelming for me.

It was around one in the morning when I was awoken by the rapping sound of knuckles on my window. My eyes fluttered open and I let out a yawn, looking over towards my window. Because it was dark outside, I didn't see anyone there at first, but then I could barely make out the shadow of a person sitting on my window ledge illuminated by the moon.

"Henry?" I questioned, turning on my lamp then getting out of bed and walking toward the window. I lifted up the glass and Henry climbed in, wearing his usual faded jeans and wheat colored shirt.

Henry looked at me up and down, a smirk growing on his face. I then looked down also and realized that I was wearing my night clothes; a huge t-shirt that stopped a few inches above my knees and some underwear, and that's all. No bra. I blushed and looked down out of embarrassment. "Um.."

Henry chuckled, "Don't be embarrassed, it's cute." My cheeks just turned a deeper pink. "You'd look a lot better in mine though." Okay, now I was scarlet red.

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