Chapter two.

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I woke up at 6:00 am as I usually do. I got up, took a shower and got dressed. I put on a green tank top and a pair of faded blue jeans. I went into the kitchen after towel drying my hair and styling it the way I liked it. I cooked myself some scrambled egg whites. (I'm a vegetarian, but not my choice.) after I ate, I brushed my teeth. I slipped on my white high tops and locked the door behind me as I roller bladed over the the diner and I slipped my high tops back on before I went inside and I placed my roller blades in a bag. I sat down at the bar and I turned my phone and laptop on.

"Hello there. May I take your order?" a green haired girl asks me.

"Um sure. do you have lemonaide?"


"Lemonaide please."

"small, medium, or large?"

"small please."

"Coming right up." she says and smiles before she walks off.

Hey Im here.

reply: cool. I'll be right there.

Don't take your time. :)

reply: ok.

C u soon.

reply: c u soon...

I started playing a new game on my laptop. I was having a lot of fun, before the waitress came back with my lemonade.

"Thank you." I smiled at her.

"You're welcome."

I take a sip before playing my game again.I was starting a new level when I heard the door open and close. I looked over my shoulder and saw Toxsa.

"Hiya!" he says.

"Hey." I smile.

"Who is this?" Blue kid asks.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Funny." Toxsa says.


"CT! you found the place and met Toxsa." Guren says.

"Guren how do you know her?!") Idea, blue kid, and yellow kid ask.

"She's one of my best friends." Guren replies.

I smile at them. "My name is Breze, who are you two?"

"My name is Ceylan Awesome Jones." blue kid says.

"I'm Chooki." yellow kid says.

"Cool." I reply. I start playing the level again.

"Found a computer geek for Toxsa I see." Ceylan says.

"About time." Chooki says.

"Yeah." Guren answers.

Toxsa joined me. He was helping me play the game and we were both so focused we didn't pay attention to what was going on around us.  Ceylan and Chooki left. Guren was going to walk with Toxsa on the way back to his house and I was in no hurry.

"Nooo!!!" Toxsa and I both yelled at the same time.

"Wjats wrong?!" Guren asks.

"The computer died!" I wailed.

"The horror!" Toxsa yelled.

"Lets go." Guren said.

We left the Diner and we heard home. It was dark out. I roller blades back to my house and unlocked the door. I slipped off my blades and passed out on the couch. When I woke up the sun was shining and I got dressed and charged my computer. I cooked myself breakfast. I brushed my teeth and hair. I texted Toxsa and Guren. Guren replied instantly.

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