Chapter one.

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I was playing a game online like I usually do. This time I was fighting against some random person. I was in a diner, my best friend Guren told me about it. So here I am in the diner. I have never been here before. A green haired boy came over and sat down on the stool next to me. I was still playing the game and he kept on telling me what controls to use. I was winning and then he took over in a way. We both were playing the game together and we beat the boss. It was like we knew raconteur forever.We exchanged high fives and continued the game. I looked at him and pushed the laptop towards him and I started watching him play. The guy was a pro! He was doing an amazing job and beat just about every level. I was amazed! I would have to thank Guren for telling me to come here. I was having a lot of fun Watching and playing the game with this guy. When I looked at the time and saw tht It was sunset I had to leave and before I left, he typed something ony screen. I closed the laptop and left.

When I got home, I saw that he had typed his phone number on the screen and below it he said:text or call if you want to play a game online or a videogame. I really had a great time and I decides to text his number.


reply: hi.

What's up?

reply: Nothing but Videogames! u?

same. :) your awesome at videogames!

reply: if you want to see awesome, go back to the diner tomorrow morning and bring your  laptop.

I will. Hey, wats your name?

reply: Toxsa.


reply:what's. your name?

CT. Its a screen name. My real name is Brook.

reply: Cool.

Gtg c u tomorrow Toxsa.

reply: K cool, c u CT.

I turned my phone off and turned my laptop back on and started typing a story for my online school. I never really played attention to the lessons I was supposed to be learning, so I just applied online. The story I was writing had to be a tragedy. I'm good at those. I started typing about some people being taken away by something unknown. I was having fun, but I thought about Toxsa. I looked at the time and it was 12:00 am. I shut off my laptop and plugged it in. I got into my pajamas and crawled into bed. I plugged my phone in and I turned it back on and I had a text message from Toxsa. I opened the message and it said.

reply: meet me there when you can. I'll meet you there if I can. Is it ok of I bring some friends with?

Yeah. cool. :) night. c u tomorrow Toxsa.

reply: K, :) c u later.


reply: bye.

I turned it off again and fell asleep.

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