Part 5 - the Trial

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If it hadn’t been for the constant ache of sadness reminding her of what she had lost, Susa could almost delight in what she had gained.

She lounged on sumptuous floor cushions with Eshnunna and Ani. A pleasant breeze stirred through the open shutters, a welcome relief from the warm day. After nearly three weeks in Babylon, Susa felt almost completely recovered from her illness and journey. She took a sip of sweet date wine from her brightly painted ceramic drinking bowl and glanced out through the window – the ladies’ tower commanded stunning view of the city’s great temple Esagila. The massive complex of golden sandstone dominated the skyline, pointing towards the heavens where Marduk, the Babylonian god dwelt.

Childish shrieks echoed around the chamber as the two boys fought and wrestled with each other, playing at soldiers. They had taken to each other from the first – both eager for some like company, thought Susa. She knew that Ashan had been lonely since being withdrawn from his friends when the war began. It seemed like a lifetime ago. He and Samsu were firm friends already, as were she and Eshnunna.

Susa watched her son with pride as he held his own in the fight. She winced as Samsu landed a hard strike on his opponent’s shin – Ashan yelled, ducking and blocking the next cut coming hot on the heels of the first. He twisted and sliced his own wooden dagger through the air, connecting with Samsu’s ribs with such force that the other boy screamed and dropped his dagger. He gave Ashan an accusing look before running to his sister, tears streaming down his face. He wrapped his arms around her neck and cried into her hair.

Gently disentangling him, Eshnunna pushed him away with a little smile. ‘There will be no-one for you to run to on the battlefield, little one – you must swallow down the pain and carry on fighting. Pain is temporary, it goes away; victory stays with you always.’

Samsu pushed his hair back out of his tear-stained face and nodded, scowling, going back to Ashan.

Eshnunna laughed as her brother picked up his wooden dagger again. ‘Your boy gives as good as he gets, Susa!’

‘Nazaru is teaching him well,’ smiled Susa. ‘He will be happy to instruct Samsu too, if you like. And any little ones you might have when the trial is resolved.’

A nervous look flickered across Eshnunna’s face. ‘I pray to Marduk it will be soon – it has been hours already. But I am sure Father will not do anything drastic – he knows I love him. It’s just an idle threat.’

After their marriage had been discovered, her husband had been taken captive by Hammurabi before the King marched off to war with Elam. There had been no time to deal with his wayward daughter’s lover before departing, not if they were to take the city unawares and unprepared. Now that everything there was settled and life was returning to normal in Babylon, he was the final loose end to tie up.

The trial had begun an hour after dawn, and now midday was creeping closer.

‘You’ll make a wonderful mother,’ said Susa, trying to distract the younger girl from her fears. ‘You’re so good with Samsu – he adores you.’

Eshnunna looked over at Samsu affectionately, ‘Marduk knows he has had little enough love from our mother. He was unplanned, I think. My parents thought that their family was complete: they had the princess to create a marriage alliance, the heir to the throne, and a spare son in case of disaster. More than six years had passed since my brother Nisitu’s birth – they didn’t expect or need any more children. Mother has never taken much interest in him; she prefers to focus her love on the elder princes – the children who matter.’

‘Poor boy,’ Susa said, with genuine pity for the little prince. Ashan had never had cause to doubt her affection, and it delighted her every time he ran to her with a new treasure he had found or piece of news to share. ‘So he looks to you as a mother?’

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