Hello Wilson.

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eyes bright like Bellis daisies

Ringed with gold that

can only mean Wilson is visiting.

That impelled me to fasten myself to him.

Like the way I cling to the stars at night

Knowing that they'll leave on their own when the time is fitting.

Everything leaves.

Nothing in this world seems permanent

Yet I am determined to keep him indefinitely.

To lock him away in my ivory birdcage of memories.

I want him to reside there with yellow mornings,

lavender perfume,

and sun drowned fountains.

He will live with the purest of my thoughts

Only roaming free

In the silent times..

When the moons tucks the sun away for the night.

There he can roam the abandoned ghettos

Of my mind.

Coppering my emotions till I am numb.

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