So amazingly destructive

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Hayley's POV

"Can you girl quickly um..." Liam motioned to the door and without even looking at me, the traitors left, Lacy even having the audacity to mouth a good luck. Liam's gaze fell back onto me, a smirk appearing on his face.

"And what bunny rabbit? He said, walking towards me.

"Liam" I warned but he just shook his head.

"Okay, I'll start then. Besides you, yourself being a complete pain in the ass as well, you're MY pain in the ass. You're the only person I've ever met that can annoy the crap out of me but still make me smile at the same time. You're beautiful and it's a shame Hail drop didn't get those eyes of yours because damn, it feels like I'm drowning in them every time you so much as scowl at me. That nose thing you do? Yeah – love that! I kind of hope you lie to me a lot because of how completely cute you look. The night I had seen you at that party – I might not have realised it at the time – was one of the best nights I've ever had. Because it got you. It got us a little baby and nine months of complete and utter rollercoasters. But the thing is, I like our rollercoaster. I like that you're vibrant in everything you do. It's like the craziest rollercoaster in the world and call me stupid, but I want to keep riding it"

"You're stupid" I mumbled, him just rolling his eyes as he leaned into me.

"And you're my mate"


"Stop it" he whispered, "Do you want to know what's going to happen if you give in?"

I shook my head but went all bunny once again. With a final smirk, his lips pressed onto mine, fieriness filling my core.

"Give in Hayley" he whispered against my lips, me sucking in a breath, grasping the glorious scent that always clung to him.


I blinked, "Tell me what's going to happen if I give in?" I whispered, examining his eyes. He smirked, placing his hands around my waist.

"You're going to join me on this stupid rollercoaster and I promise you – you're going to love it"

"What's with you and this rollercoaster analogy?" I smirked, him just rolling his eyes. I climbed onto my tippy toes, placing his lips on mine.

"You on board?" he grinned once I released him, my heart soaring.

"If you stop using that stupid analogy"

"It's trashed"

"Liam" I said, sucking in the breath I've had to take since I met the idiot, "I'm your mate" The grin on his face widened and before I knew it, his mouth clasped onto mine. Him twirling me around the nursery.

"Hayley – you're my mate" he grinned, his cheeks reddening. I only smiled at him, "Yeah you idiot"

"We're on the same rollercoaster" he smirked, me just shooting him a glare which quickly turned into a smile.

What had I gotten myself into?

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