Like raindrops falling from the sky

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Hayley's POV

As we start moving back to the house, we don't really say anything. Which is a good thing because if Liam said one more thing to me. I'd probably kick him so that he couldn't impregnate any more girls. The scowl on my face deepened as I thought of that prospect and well, I wanted to punch hypothetical girl now too.

Dammit... this was all so frustrating!

"You okay there hun?" Kira asked, knocking me out of my daydream.

"Yeah fine, thanks" I gave her a light smile, feeling my tail swishing in the wind. I honestly preferred the ears. Then at least I couldn't see them.

"I was really worried Hayley, never do that again alright?" she said, tightening the grip she had on my arm. I nodded, "Promise, where's Hail drop?"

"She's in her crib save and sound, asked some of the trainees to watch over her. I'm sorry – I was just too worried about you, I had to check"

"So she's fine"

Kira nodded, "I have to go find Lace now too" Kira sighed, glancing over at Chris, "But don't think he's going to let me go into the woods again, he says it's too unsafe"

"It is unsafe Kira, you have to promise me something now too"

She nods, "Promise me you won't go into those woods alone. Not for a second. And always with one of the idiots"

"Only if you promise the same"


"Then I promise too"

"Hailstorm!" my attention shifted to Liam, my eyebrows furrowing.


He glanced over at Kira and then at Chris, him just rolling his eyes.

"Come on Killer, we'll go find Lacy" he said, signalling for her. The girl nodded, giving me a light smile before walking after him. I looked at Liam, folding my arms, "No"

"No, what?" he said, rolling his eyes.

"I'm not going to talk about the whole mating thing" He just rolled his eyes, trudging towards me. He placed his hands on my shoulders, sighing.

"Please don't kick me" he grumbled, my eyes widening, "But the alpha wants to see you"

"Mountain man!?" my heart started thundering, me not helping but to gulp.

"You do realise that he's your alpha now too, so calling him Mountain man..."

"I don't care Liam, I don't want to see him"

"I'll protect you okay?" he said, squeezing my shoulders. I moved into him, hoping that if I just stayed here we wouldn't have to go. That if I was intimate with him I wouldn't have to see mountain man. His arms moved to around my waist, him hugging me tightly.

"I promise I'll protect you" he whispered, giving me a kiss on the forehead before pulling me up, cradling me.

"Liam, please no" I said, trying to push off of him but he just tightened his grip, leaning me closer to him, "Nothing is going to happen to you Hailstorm"

"You can stop this, don't take me. See, breaking the command – you don't have to take me" I grabbed onto his face, starring into his eyes in complete desperation.

"It wasn't a command Hayley"

"Then you're taking me because you're just being an asshole?"

"Hayley, I... he's going to come get you either way. And your part of the pack now, he can command you as well" he sighed.

"Please no" I mumbled, biting my lip. In response I only got kiss on the head. Annoying bloody...

We reached the house and my heart plummeted to my stomach when I saw the man standing by the door. No chance to run, none. His arms were folded and when his eyes fell onto us, he nodded, motioning towards the inside. Liam looked down at me once more before taking the damn steps further into my doom.

Liam had carried me right into the office before putting me down on the ground, me stumbling a bit. I'd like to blame that on me not having really walked for five minutes but well, the real reason was because my legs had turned into jelly.

There sat the man, his muscle bulging and his eyes void of any emotion.

"Shifted?" he enquired, glancing over at Liam who was standing like an officer next to me.

"Yes sir"

He nodded before his attention was pulled onto me, "You're part of this pack now" he sighed, standing up. I only nodded, watching as he came closer to me, "That means there are certain rules or else, you would become rogue" he explained, the words mostly foreign to me as he started give me a speech.

Once he finished it felt like I was on lift off. You know that feeling? When your just about to do something but you're so unsure of what.

"Hand" he said, holding his own out.


"Give me your hand"

I glanced over at Liam, chewing on my lip but he simply just nodded. Turning back to Mountain man I simply placed my hand in his, him turning it around and grabbing hold of my wrist. I frowned but then I understood the hold when he got out a knife.

"What? What are you doing?" I whimpered, stumbling as he pulled me to the desk. On top of it was this weird emblem, it stained red from probably all the insane blood rituals these guys did. The emblem was beautiful thought. Carved into stone was a wolf, red rubies placed where the eyes should be. Above the wolf was the carving of a raven, overall the probably symbol of this pack.

Mountain man raised the knife, cutting deep into my palm. I pulled my hand back, clenching it into a fist but it didn't stop the blood from dripping onto the stone. An unknown feeling rushed through me and I let out a shiver, gritting my teeth.

Liam walked up to me, enveloping me in a hug. I leaned into him, feeling the sting of my hand slowly fade.

"You didn't have to do that now" Liam said, his words hard.

The alpha growled, his fist slamming onto the desk, "What did you just say!?"

"She's weak sir, you could have waited"

"You're treading on very thin ice Taylor" the man growled.

"Sorry sir" he mumbled thought the apology was clearly not real.

The man gave off another growl before looking down, picking up a piece of paper, "What's the situation with Hemsworth? Do you think we need war?"

I watched Liam with widened eyes, trying to anticipate his response.

"They attacked my mate sir, but I am unsure if they are direct orders from their alpha or its just Michael causing trouble. I feel that we should speak to Alpha Elkins first and then go in accordance to that. For now, we just up our protection around borders and I shall place guards by the human territory as well."

The man nodded, "Set up a meeting for Friday. I want this over and done with" he said. With another nod, Liam's hand surrounded my elbow and he led me out of the room. 

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