Chapter 6;

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"Audience! Audience, can you hear me?" The screen flickered on. A wide-eyed man stared down the lens, his dark ringlets of hair falling messily over his head. His cheek was stained red, the source of which fell to a deep cut on his temple, trailing down to shake hands with his eyebrow. He was breathless, fearful. Terror filled his eyes. "Audience. Don't listen to the news. Don't. It's not safe here! Get away from America. Get as far away as you can. It's a black hole here. There's-" static began to mess with the man's voice. "We're... not... Don't... Danger... Forget about... Oh god..." Tears were falling from the man's face. "I've done something awful..." He sobbed down the camera. "Forget about me. Stay safe and peace off... This is Toby Joe Turner and I'm..." The recording cut off.



Man, I was hungry. My legs ached, my head pounded. I needed to eat. More than that, I needed water. My throat felt like sandpaper, swallowing my saliva like nails against my soft flesh. I think Marzia felt the same. She stood beside me, swaying, pale as a sheet. I felt so sorry for her. She didn't deserve any of this; none of us did. "There's no time for complaining," said cry softly, his eyes narrowing slightly. He gave me that look of understanding, however. No one had eaten in hours. I think we were all a little faint.

"There's a burger shop across the road. That's where I had my lunch yesterday," Toby interjected, his eyes bloodshot... from a lot of things. I remained quiet. "And my hotel probably has water in the fridge. I never checked in, though," he said quietly, realising that perhaps that wasn't the best plan. "We can still go to the restaurant, though. No one's stopping us from doing that."

Cry looked optimistic.

"Oh, come on, dude. We're all starving! It's better that we eat now rather than never. How can you drive on an empty stomach?" His face darkened in frustration. I looked away.

Cry sighed. "I suppose it's our only option. Come on. If I stay here any longer I'll get cabin fever. And guess who I'll kill first," he muttered, glancing over at Toby. I couldn't help but crack a smile. That's our Cry. I patted him firmly on the back, following Toby, who had taken the opportunity to lead us over. A pure gentleman.

The first thing I noticed when we stepped outside was the quiet... No cars, no voices, no... happiness. It was misty. Or, what looked like mist. A soft coating of it covered the place. I shivered in uncertainty but quickly shook the feeling away. The lump in my throat was the newest thing that begged for attention. Something wasn't right.

"It looks like..."

"Something from Silent Hill... "

"It's like it's not..."


I could just make out Toby's silhouette in the mist-induced gloom. So I quickened my pace to meet him. I hadn't thought about the floor until I tripped over something particularly hard... and heavy. I landed in a heap, my fingers skimming across the uneven ground. I looked back at the thing I had fallen over, my knees burning in pain.

It... It was a bike.

Protruding from the ground was, yes, handlebars. The faint edging of a saddle not far behind it. I rubbed my stinging knees and got up, Marzia aiding me to my feet. "Woah," she whispered, glancing to our left. From what we could see there was a whole manner of things erected from the ground. Everyday objects like cars and skateboards. Fused to the ground in their igneous prison. But... there was something else there, too. A large grey lump was settled right beside what was the pavement. A strange smell hung around it. I swallowed, dreading the thought of what it may be. But I knew; deep down in some wise part of my mind I knew.

'People burned where they stood.'

I turned away, seizing Marzia's hand and sprinted with her to meet Cry. "Where's Toby?" I called, once reaching the tired-eyed American. He shrugged.

"Dunno, Disappeared when you fell over. I didn't bother follow him. You two alright? You seem a little... Shaken up."

"We're fine," Marzia replied gently, her voice as stable as a Surgeon's hand. Unlike my skills with the simulator, however. "Fine as... dandy."

"Guys?" Toby's voice called through the thick mist

"We're here, bud," Cry called back, crossing his arms over his broad chest. A tall shape broke through the clouds, carrying a faint smirk on his face. But that wasn't all he was holding. Hanging from his fingers, like gifts from heaven, were three plastic bags, all of which were packed with... something. A faint scent met my nostrils and my mouth flooded with well-preserved saliva.

"Wait till you see what I found."


The man did not lie. When Toby said he found something, he found something. The bags were filled with everything he could carry, but inside... Oh man... Burgers. Over two dozen of them. Cold, mind you, but still filled with that mouthwatering good taste of cow. We all had two each, leaving us with a reserve of eighteen slabs of meat, bread not included. Toby had the water supply; twenty small bottles of water and three three litre fountains of heaven. Before Toby could whisk them away to his car I seized two, throwing one at a beaming Marzia. "Thank you," she cried, gratitude filling her eyes as she flung off the top and drunk thirstily from the bottle.

"It's alright, sweetheart... Do you want to come and raid the fridges? I'm sure there will be something sweet in there for the journey. I could do with some chocolate to be honest..." Ten minutes later we had completely stripped the place. We found some of those American Wonka sweets and chocolate, some pre-packed biscuits and an apple. I had a feeling that the fruit wouldn't be on my menu for the day. But as I began thinking of the feasts we may have Cry had to come and squash all my happiness.

"Rules," he sighed, clapping his hands together wearily. "I know we don't want them, but here they are. Water is sacred. Do not waste it. Two bottles each a day should keep us going for now. Food, however much we love it, isn't as important. The three main survival notes. Three minutes without air, three days without water, three weeks without food. If you come across water and food, but can't carry both, take the water. We can come back for a packet of crisps any time. No stealing rations. A hundred years ago you'd be killed for thieving. And it's not nice... Please... I hate this as much as you do."

"Sure you do," I muttered but nodded in agreement. Marzia too. "Where's Toby gotten to again? I swear he never stays still?" I glanced around, but there was no sign of our bouncy little friend.

"Toby?!" We called out in unison, our voices echoing off the silent buildings. A moment passed and no one replied. I frowned in confusion. But before I could question his acts the hair on the back of my neck bristled. A shriek of pain pierced my delicate hearing. It was unmistakable, and my mind was instantly thrown into dread.

It was Toby.


[ Oooh, ooh, ooh, *frantically makes ape noises* I got some spare time in revision today (for, like, two hours) and decicded to take the opportunity to update. I'm sorry the whole car thing is taking so long but I realised... These people have had nothing to eat or drink for TWO FREAKING DAYS (apart from McBuscus and his burger of course. But I hope you like the chapter. Pop me a review if you can. Thanks guys! Peace off an stay toasty! ;) ~ Moony ]

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