Chapter 1; Living the American Dream

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Chapter 1;

Toby Turner;

'We've been on the run,

Driving in the sun.

Looking out for number 1.

California here we come.

Right back where we started from.'

"Hustlers grab your guns.

Your shadow weighs a ton.

Driving down the 101.

California here we come.

Right back where we started from.


Here we come!"

Oh yeah! California, here I come! What better way to celebrate my long travels than to listen to the infamously famous song by Phantom Planet? I couldn't help but get overjoyed.

I smile softly, drumming my fingers along to the tune as I drive. My mind was buzzing with excitement; Vidcon! In California! I felt hyper. Was I hyper? Ah, who cares? It's summer! I suppose I'm allowed to be a tiny bit hyper at times. :3

Ray-ban's on, a breeze ruffling my attempted-tamed mop of curly dark hair, I pull into the car park looking respectively chilled and cool. I know they're synonyms, but dude! I was looking good!

I had to enter the building - which looked like an awesome modernised Walmart - through the guarded back door with my V.I.P pass. The bouncer ( I shall call him Steve) flicked through his thick pad of paperwork, checked my passport and papers several times before coming to the conclusion that, yes, I am Toby Joe Turner. He stood aside and let me Heely myself into freedom.

( It turns out my hotel was the one facing opposite 'Walmart'. That's useful, if I needed to make a swift getaway from my adoring fans, that is. Since my luggage consisted of my phone, a pair of jeans, pajamas, a toothbrush, underwear, some t-shirts and my guitar, I felt as if it wasn't necessary to check in instantly. Grab your camera and notepad because Tobuscus was ready to explore! )

I would've been lying if I said I wasn't impressed with Walma- I mean VidCon. Booths aligned every wall, every spot, leaving only a five metre gap as a form of route in-between. On the far left there was a large stage, obviously for performances. The back extended much further than I had originally anticipated. Further than the eyes could see, anyway. And every-single-possible-crevice was packed with a whole array of people. Geeks, chicks, fat guys, hot girls, little kids, confused grannies holding shopping baskets. You name it, they were there. I was also certain I spotted a dude wearing a fursuit head and matching tail! The place was absolutely bonkers, and I /LOVED IT!/

Scooted off to a seperate sector by a lovely young woman (let's call her Jean ) for privacy reasons I became suddenly aware that perhaps I may have needed my guitar. Waiting for something to happen without a specified time was not my strong point. So I did the most logical thing I could have possibly done at that very moment; I took out my phone.

I tweeted; 'At VidCon in CALIFORNIA now! Living the high life but eating far too little. Gonna get a burger because I DON'T CARE ABOUT CALORIE INTAKE!'

Instagramed; 'The burgers are amazing at VIDCON.' with an image of myself munching on a double decker beef burger and full fat Coke with the gorgeous food... Supplier... Woman... (Let's call her Holly).

I was preparing to update my Facebook status when the unmissable sound of my name was called across the room. It was fringed with that natural foreign sass that I could only have wished to achieve through endless hours of dead-end practise. I raised my head, a grin crossing over my thin lips as soon as I identified the caller.

It was Felix Kjellberg, formally known as Pewdiepie, and he was walking straight towards me.

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