Paty time..

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Narrator- sarah

*flash back: The door slowly opened, I saw mom come out red eyed. "Mommy what's wrong, why were you and daddy mad?😢 where did daddy go?" My mom replied, "um, sweetie your dad is going to be gone for a while, he uh... Went on a long business trip." I replied "when will daddy be home?" My mom started to cry again, "I don't know sweetie, I don't know."


"Oh, sorry mom... I uh.. I was out of it." I ran down stairs.

"Hey Sarah you ready?" Justin said as he came my way.

"Yea let's go!"

My noisy mom said "Wait what is the plan again."

I replied again, "I have said it three times, we are going bowling then I will sleep over at Lindsay's house!"

"Ok, drive carefull"

"Mom I promise everything will be fine I will see you tomorrow, love you bye!"

I could tell my mom was nervous, maybe she knew I was lying to her... Maybe she knew there was a party and I was going to it!!!! Never mind my mom is clueless when it comes to my social life.

As soon as we walked in to the party, Justin went to his buddies and started to drink... I went looking for Tyler!

"Oh there you are beautiful!" Tyler said as I ran into him.

"Hey I have been looking for you!"

Tyler gave me that cute grin of his and said "let's go dance!"

A lot of people were dancing but that didn't seem to bug him... He made me feel like it was only us in the room. A song came on that I really liked and I looked into Tyler's eyes. Right then, right there, we had a moment... He kissed me, then I kissed him. Then we kept kissing. He was a really good kisser, his warm lips warm my whole body.

We finally stopped kissing and started to talk...

"Want something to drink?" Tyler asked

"Uh sure, but not trying to be a party pooper but no alcohol."

Tyler was surprised and said, "I'm not the only one who isn't drinking... I can't because baseball."

I said, "Makes sense, but also we are way too young I know that sounds like I'm a goody goody but I can't get caught with alcohol."

Tyler just smiled and we went to get drinks then went out on his porch. It was way more quite only like five people out here with us.

"So have you had fun so far?" I asked him

"I've been spending almost all of It with you, if course it's fun!" He said as he smoothly started to out his arm around me.

"You know your not like most guys."

Confused he said, "What do you mean?"

"Your just was nicer, and just not like all the other idiots.... I like it"

He replied, "I like you, I know we have only known each other that long but I really like you."

With that he made me feel different a feeling I have never felt before....I kissed him passionately.

"I like you too.. A lot."

With that cute smile he does he said,

"Let's get back to the party beautiful, don't want to miss out on it!"

We danced a little then just started talking to some people. It was eleven and 1/3 of the people were gone. I told him I needed to go to the bathroom and I left. I didn't go, I went to find Justin to make sure he wasn't drunk.

"Justin there you are" I said with relief... He wasn't drunk

"Hey I am going to go home I don't feel good are you okay here?"

"Im fine I'll see you tomorrow."

With that he left, and I noticed there was only about twenty people. Everyone was cleaning up so I joined and it wasn't that bad looking after fifteen minutes of good cleaning. About ten maybe twelve more people left leaving me, Tyler, my friend Nicole, Nicole's cousin Sydney, and some of Tyler's buddies. Tyler got some blankets out of a closet then handed them to people as they fell asleep on the couch. Two more of Tyler's buddies left so it was only like five of us. Nicole and Sydney went into Tyler's parents room with Tyler's buddies. Then there were us too.

"Wanna go to my room?" He asked nervously.

"Sure lets go." I replied

"Cool room I said as I laid down on the bed."

"I guess..."

He took his shirt off.. Dang Base ball players were fit! He sure was cute... but I did feel very uncomfortable laying in his bed. He kissed me and made me feel a little bit better but it was awkward. I ended up falling asleep in his warm arms.


Okay so how do y'all think about the whole party? Tyler was getting real friendly with Sarah! But anyway, sorry for any typos I'll be posting more later or soon! Thanks for reading!

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